Although I never set the table when I eat alone, there are exceptions. These occur during the special summer days, that once in while settle over Scandinavia, when the easterly winds blow from the dry continent, bringing sunshine and warm air. Summer arrived a whole two days too early this year and I am soaking up the heat it as much as I can. Therefore, today I enjoyed a late light lunch outside on my terrace, surrounded by the green plants and blooming hedge. And I set the table.
Life is all about small and simple pleasures.
It might be a week IN after all, It's been pouring since I woke up today :(
I love Avocados!
That summer lunch looks yummy! Wish I could be sitting out in the terrace enjoying the wonderful sun and eating a delicious lunch too! ;-)
I hope you have a GREAT weekend!
xoxo, Shelly
Mmmm, your lunch looks a little like the supper I prepared for a friend and I on Wednesday. We had pasta salad with homemade buttermilk ranch dressing and fresh vegetables. I bought a rotisserie chicken at the grocery store along with some freshly baked whole wheat bread from the Big Sky bakery. Dessert was strawberries and cherries.
The blue of your Scandinavian summer sky is an amazing color!
Oh I couldn't agree more dear Zuzana: Life is all about small and simple pleasures :-) I hope you enjoyed your lovely lunch (it must be perfect). Thanks so much for the B-day comment. Enjoy the rest of the weekend dear, much love: Evi
Enjoying the outdoors with a good snack sounds like a lovely way to pass an afternoon. :)
Wish I could join you! Looks like an absolutely gorgeous day and the perfect lunch!
It's actually raining here...no outside lunch today for Southern Californians!
Enjoy your weekend!
Lunch looks lovely (except for the olives... BLECH!). Mine was a big greasy burger today... yummy, true, but not very healthy. Oh well, tomorrow is another day, right? :)
The setting for lunch looks kind of romantic to me. You're a happy soul. Hmmm...the foods are looking fresh too.I'm in tune with you about the simple pleasures in life. They provide focus and meaning to what tiny things we do. Give all the attention to its details(hopefully) it will connect to the bigger picture of its reality, like having a full lunch life is showing us its generosity. I drink to your life's pleasure.:)
I love avocado, yummie! :)
i go to great lengths to enjoy my food and sometimes i set the table for one- food is more than just eating, its savoring the bounty of our abundant earth...
I love avocados too! Wonderful fruit. Hope your weekend was great watching movies.;)))
likewise, what a nice thing to say. Hope your weekend is lovely!;)))
mmm, that sounds like a very tasty lunch! I love chicken and fresh baked bread.;))
Hope you are having a lovely Sunday, always enjoy your n comments.;)))
glad you agree with that sentiment, indeed the happiest moments are spend doing the simplest of things.;))) I am hoping you are having a lovely weekend, I always enjoy when you stop by dear Evi.;)))
so right you are! Hope your weekend is/was great.;)))
well that is the first when you have rain while we have sunshine. Hopefully one day we can share lunch.;))) Always enjoy your visits, hope your Sunday is lovely.;)))
you are so funny! You always make me laugh!;))) So you do not like olives. I guess it is an acquired taste, just like anchovis. ;)))I like those as well.
Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday dear friend.;)))
your comments are always filled with wise words, almost like reading a book on life philosophy. Always enjoy you stopping by and I love the way you think.;)))
Hope your Sunday is great!
what a lovely name! Glad you too like avocados. Thank you for stopping by and come back again.;)))
so poignant and very true. Hope your Sunday is wonderful.;)))
Wonderful Photos. And I agree that great joy can be found in simple pleasures.
yes, I believe that life is all about enjoying the fleeting moments.;)) Hope you had a lovely weekend.;))
That looks so nice. It would never occur to me to set a table for just me.
Yummy lunch! Love avocado (aguacate in Spanish). Lovely summer afternoon; I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I never do either, only outside in the summer.;))
Hope you had a great weekend dear friend.;))xo
yes, I love avocados as well.;)) Thank you for your always kind comments.;))
I love having picnics or just a simple dinner under the stars or a summer lunch just like this one. Esp if I have a gorgeous terrace just like yours, Protege. so cute! I can also imagine you and the Irishman having a wonderful dinner date with your beautiful garden. Plus, I like how the colors in your meal looks very summer-y too. Great setting! I want to eat that bread! looks yummy!
And true, simple pleasures are the best! :)
yes, I and the Irishman sit there in the summer and enjoy a well poured Guinness.;))
I agree, picnics are the best!
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