My back hedge is now in full bloom. That hedge is my pride and joy. Wen I moved into the house, it was pretty much just a few sticks growing up out of the ground. After 6 years it is the most beutiful hedge around. Particularly in late May, when it blooms with white flowers. Last year I could hear people passing it on the outside, not knowing I was out on my terrace. They stopped for a while to admire the hedge stating it was the most beautiful one they have ever seen. Such compliments are of the best kind.
I am taking this opportunity, while there is a lack of sun, to post yet another update on my ever so growing clematis.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful laid-back Sunday.

Beautiful day here I must say. A bit of everything sounds like everyday English weather, everyday we must be prepared for all 4 seasons! Happy weekend.x
Wow!! What do you feed that clematis? Amazing growth!! I AM enjoying a laid back Sunday...hope you are too!!
Lovely photos, makes me want to go for a walk.
I so enjoy your clematis photos...it is amazing to watch it grow! Happy Sunday!
Wonderfuf,wonderful flowers and greenery and the clematis are doing fine.What more could I ask?Have a nice Sunday. Over here Sunday was just yesterday :))
Hi Ms. Z!
"However, I think if you at all times trust your gut feeling, you will be fine. To be courageous and without fear doesn't at all always mean just "to do".:) Very often it means "to think" too.;)"
Thanks very much for that! I really needed to hear it.. I actually wasnt able to sleep last night because it was all I could think about.. and your comment really put me at ease. :-)
=Reasons To Be...,
yes, I think your weather is similar to ours; except it might be warmer where you are.;)) Hope you had a lovely weekend.;))
I can so not take any credit; it is all natural.;)) I water it sometimes, that is all.;)) Glad you had a laid-back Sunday.;)) xo
glad that you find this inspiration in the pictures. Thank you so much for stopping by.;)
I am so happy you enjoy my weekly updates; I find it too amazing how much it changes in a week. Hope you are having a lovely extended weekend.;)
I knew you like this as you are a gardener yourself. And yes, I always forget that you are almost a day ahead of us.;))) Hope your Sunday was good.;)
glad you found comfort in those words. It warms my heart that they put you to ease. I am so sorry that you have a troubled mind, if it is any consolation, we all feel this way at times.
You are very courageous in my eyes; brave enough to venture into a new profession without fear.
Hope you will have a wonderful week.;)
You must have a magical green thumb. :)
I wish.;)) But I can take no credit, it is all natural.;))) I just hope the plant will survive my absence; so I am hoping for lots and lost of rain while I am not here.;)))
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