January 13, 2009

Cats Are The Masters Of Relaxation.

I do not have to say much, as the pictures of Batcat below, taken this weekend while he was relaxing in front of the fireplace, speak louder than words. The best thing about having a cat, besides many years of companionship and lot of cuddliness, is the way they are able to relax. It is highly contagious. When they relax, you simply HAVE to as well. Nothing is more soothing than watching the felines being totally indifferent to the world.
Owning a cat is the best therapy against stress.;))


Tom said...

Aren't cats just the cutest things? I never liked them when growing up, I was a dog person, but now that a few have owned me during the last few years I've become a little more cat friendly.

Now I'm going to have to post a cute cat picture of my own...

Betsy Brock said...

That is a beautiful cat! I miss my two cats...as they have passed on. Yes, they do teach you how to relax! You unwind yourself just from petting them!

Gal Friday said...

Adorable cat--I like to call black and white cats, "tuxedo cats". :-) It looks like Batcat has the good life there in the photos--a warm, woolly rug to laze about on.
I love the name of your feline friend, too.

Diane said...

I've heard that when dogs lie on their backs, legs splayed for all the world to see their privates ;) it means they're very trusting of their owners. I'm guessing Batcat is a very trusting soul ;)

Cute pictures... and now, for some reason, I want to go take a nap! ;)

Hilary said...

He's a beauty, and reminds me of my own Zephyr - except substitute gray for black, and make it a more pronounced white streak up his nose. I've almost always found black and white cats to be a little crazy... crazier than most cats. Does Batcat fit that category?

Holly said...

I need to take lessons on relaxing from my cat. She is the master of laziness and I am not all that great at settling down:). My cat could rival batcat for an award in laziness. I love the white markings,...they look so soft and inviting. Cindy has some similar markings on her chest, and they are so thick and cuddly.

Your impatient flowers make me smile. Hopefully they will bring you some much needed early spring.

Hazel Designs said...


I love these pictures of Batcat. I especially love when cats expose their bellies to be petted.

Melanie Gillispie said...

Aw! Batcat! So cute! You know when they're rubbing on furniture or whatever? For every rub they're saying, "I love you! And, I love you too! And, I love you the mostest!"

Zuzana said...

Tom, I agree, cats are the bets companions. I have never had a dog, but I can fully understand they are great pets as well.
Your cats are adorable!

Betsy, sorry to hear that. Is there any chance you can get a new kitten(s)? I love to stroke my cat and it has been scientifically proven to be good for your health.;))

Gal Friday, indeed, that is the correct term; “tuxedo cat”, or as my Irish roommate says “evening coat cat”. He is the one who renamed my cat to Batcat. His original name is Samson, but he is hardly ever called that anymore.;)) Only at the vet.;))

Diane, it is the same for cats too; exposing their stomach means they are very vulnerable, so if they do it, they truly feel safe.;))
Hope your nap was good.;))

Hilary, love the name Zephyr. Very beautiful. Batcat is quiet calm, but very inventive and alert. When he was a kitten, he was something else though; almost behaving like a dog. I had a black and white cat in the US, called Gypsy. And he was crazy. I found him as a stray when he was 1 year old. He could do all kind of fun tricks, like jumping into paper bags.;)) He is gone now and I miss him, but he got to live a very exciting life, including relocation to Europe.;))

Holly, I agree, their stomach is so fury and inviting.;)) So Cindy? You have to post pictures of Cindy at one point.;))
And I do hope you are correct and the spring will arrive soon this year.;)

Hazel, and I agree back with you. Batcat often lies this way when he is sleeping and relaxing, particularly by the fire.;))

Mel, that is so true, and then they rub themselves against you as well. And they love to be rubbed back.;)) Life is so much better with cats.;)) Don’t you agree?

Keera Ann Fox said...

Oh, I so want to dive into that belly!

Donna said...

Batcat is ADORABLE!

Zuzana said...

Keera, I know exactly what you mean.;))

Donna, yes, he is and I love him to bits.;))

Noelle Chantal said...

adorable Batcat! they are lazy and very sweet. very relaxing animals! cute! :)

Zuzana said...

Noelle, thank you so much, he truly is.;))
Glad you stopped by, please come back again.;))

Anonymous said...

I have a Batcat too :]

Zuzana said...

Hello Fashion Trix; thanks for stopping by; Batcat is sending his regards to your cat.;)))

CT said...

I dropped by @ http://havpawswilltravell.blogspot.com & saw your comment about the tag (I told myself…she love the cats too) so I decided to visit you:) Hope you’ll have a great day with Batcat:)

Zuzana said...

Greetings CT! Welcome and thank you for stopping by and leaving a kind comment; yes I love cats! Please feel free to come back again.;))

CT said...

Sure sweetie! Thanks ;))

adrielleroyale said...

So true - all of it. I feel forced to lay beside them and stroke their soft fur and relax with them. Your Batcat is quite the handsome fellow! I shall greatly miss my Mr. Meowgee for this very kind of thing. Thank you for your sentiments by the way, yours and Batcat's thoughts and prayers are deeply appreciated! May you have many many more years together :)