When I was leaving Europe to live in the States about 16 years ago, my sister gave me three "magic" stones as a parting gift. I carry them with me to this day on every trip and they are always in my handbag as a good luck charm. The three semi precious stones are (left to right); amethyst, citrine and yellow jasper. They were ment for luck and protection. I was not aware then how affected she was by my departure. My little sister used to look up to me, we were very close and she was loosing her best friend and a confidant. This loss for me was not less significant, but was at that time overtaken by the extreme excitement of an adventure ahead of me. Actually, little did I know, that after I left that January, we would never live in the same city - actually not in the same country - ever again.
That 'little did I know' thing is big, isn't it? When I was pregnant, I didn't feel well and opted not to go home for Thanksgiving, figuring I'd see my dad, who was sick, at Christmas. Little did I know, though, that wouldn't happen, as he died 2 weeks before Christmas. Ten years later, I still regret missing that holiday with him.
Sigh... very melancholy today :)
Diane, very sorry to hear that. Such is life, we always think we have plenty of time. Many experiences in my past have made me aware of the fact that this not the case. However, I am sure that you spend many precious, happy moments with your dad and these are worth while to remember. And I know the feeling of "melancholy" too well.:)
A message mailed to me from my sister, after reading this post:
"Well done - interesting blog - I got a bit red eyes reading the story about the three little stones......
guess who.... "
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