April 30, 2009

Spring At Its Peak.

This is the last day of April, which has been the most beautiful spring month on record, at least here in Denmark. With more sun hours and less rain than normal for even the summer months, it has also been extraordinary warm. Honestly, if June and July will be anything like our April was, we can conclude that the summer was better than good.

Almost as if on cue, there is a weather change in store for us comes the weekend. The wind is shifting, bringing in humid air from the large Atlantic ocean in the west, which means we are back to the somewhat normal Scandinavian spring; rain, cold air, wind and clouds.
Well, it was good as long as it lasted. Hopefully May will not be a total washout.

I found this little quiz, titled "What part of spring are you?" on the lovely blogthings site and considering that we have reached the middle of the spring season by now, I decided to post it.
I have to say that the result is spot on, at least for me.

You Are Blooming Flowers

You are an optimistic person by nature. In even the darkest times, you are hopeful about the future.
You feel truly blessed in life and can sometimes be overwhelmed with emotions.
You have an artist's eye.
You are always looking for beauty in the mundane.
You have a good sense of aesthetics, especially when it comes to shapes and color.


Donna said...

Your spring flowers are so pretty. Hope the weekend weather won't be too bad.

I took the spring test and I'm a blooming flower too!

Enjoy your day!

Claus said...

While you've been having great weather, it's been raining a bit more on this side. Not too much, and not for long fortunately. Our forecast says we will have more days like yesterday, so May might actually start how it's supposed to: with rain. I'm glad that your April was a good one, and hopefully the upcoming months will be just as pleasant.
I had Blooming Flowers as well on the test! One thing is true: I feel blessed with my life.

Diane said...

Your quiz results were incredibly accurate. I came in as 'Chirping Birds' but the description was so not me... something about being focused, not easily distracted, and I have a good memory for things I hear. Ummm... no. :)

PS... HOW is it possible it's the last day of April?! I'm sure you're mistaken ;)

Hilary said...

Ha.. I'm Spring Break. It must have been that cocktail... ;)

Shelly's Style Shop said...

It has been a beautiful spring! I also hope it last. You are surely a "Blooming Flower". I hope the weather stays nice for you in Denmark.

xoxo, Shelly

Holly said...

Oh yay!!! Protege,...I am blooming flowers too. Just one more thing that makes us total kindred spirits.

As for the construction you have endured, I am glad that you are finally to the point that you can enjoy seeing something attractive emerge out of the chaos. Because we have had an aweful lot of construction going on in our neighborhood lately and it can drive a person batty!!!

Zuzana said...

I too hope it will not be a total washout. But the nature needs rain, so I guess I should not complain too much.;))
Always glad when you stop by.;)xo

I guess as the seasons change, you will start the rainy period, as you described. We will try to make to it sunny for you.
To feel blessed with life makes you a true spring flower.;) Wishing you a sunny day.;)

I love that you are "chirping birds". I think you have a great memory and as for being focused, you might be more than you think.;) Hope you are having a great Friday my friend.;))
And yes; it is May already!;))

that is so funny, it labels you as young at heart and knowing how to enjoy yourself, I bet! I was considering choosing the cocktail as well.;) Sometimes a glass of cool sparkling white vine on a warm summer afternoon is so enjoyable;)
Hope your Friday is wonderful;)

I hope you are right and that after the rain, sun will return.
Wishing you a lovey Friday.;))xo

yes, kindred spirits we are for sure.;))
I think the only construction that really gets to me in the long run is extensive road work, as it makes driving a nightmare.;)
Hope you will have a great Friday.;))