April 15, 2010

Vernal Evening Sky.

As the month of March moves into April, the evening sky outside my windows offers a gallery of natural works of art, unlike any other made by man. While the sun ever so slowly sets over the western horizon, I have the privilege to see it vanish in the most glorious way ever imaginable.

Spring and autumn sunsets are my favourite by far. Even though there is nothing like the fiery midnight skies during Midsummer, when the white nights rule the North, the vernal sunsets are enchanting in vision and light. Whether the sky is dramatic, covered by dark clouds, or artistic, painted by strokes of colourful water vapor, or whether it is pristine and clear - the shows taking place outside my windows are spectacular every time.

Below a selection of the sunsets I have been lucky enough to witness over the course of the past few weeks.


Elizabeth said...

Danish evening skies, they hold a special kind of magic. You captured them beautifully.

Have a warm and sunny day!!!!


Cat in the road said...

A robust sunset just before twilight reminds me of a time when TV stations would sign off for the day. It’s like nature saying; “I hope you enjoyed the show I put on for you today.” Your photographs do justice to the ever-changing displays we're privileged to view every night.

Brian Miller said...

such beautiful skies you live under...hope you have a marvelous day!

Kath said...

I love your new photo you put on the Blog, what a beautiful lady you are xx

Sandy said...

Beautiful skies...especially the one with the clouds in the lower right. Thanks for the loveliest of comments yesterday. I knew I would do this one of these days. I reviewed three very nice comments (yours included) and hit the "publish" button and stared at the screen that said I "rejected" the comments. I couldn't believe I clicked on the wrong button. But I did. I guess I should be surprised it didn't happen sooner. So if you don't see your comment from yesterday that's why. Hopefully I will do better today. The birds are singing as I type this. I'm hearing them through the fireplace so I hope that doesn't mean they built a nest there. Have a wonderful day Zuzana.

Teacup Lane (Sandy)

Julie Hibbard said...

The only thing more beautiful than the sky is your love and appreciation for nature! Thank you for sharing not only the photos of the beauty, but your deep value of such gorgeousness!
Have an amazing weekend!

Sukanya said...

So lovely Zuzana. Seriously you are lucky to witness all these wonderful scenes every now and then!!! And your new pic is beautiful !!!

Have a nice day!!


Rajesh said...

View out of you window is extraordinarily beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I like the way you put it...they are natural works of art. Beautiful!

Claus said...

...and I thought my sunset captures were OK. These are simply gorgeous Zuzana! Beautiful. Here in the city, one can't always capture a good sunset (though I have a couple of photos), but those by the ocean, in the Pacific coast, are marvelous. Looks like summer will slowly start its way to you!
have a lovely day!

Bhushavali said...

Beautiful sunset pics...

Elephanta Caves - Part I
While Exploring the Unexplored

Robynn's Ravings said...

Even the poorest of us
Are guaranteed the beauty of art Each night in the sky
And with each wide-eyed gaze at nature.

Thanks for sharing your exquiste skies.



steviewren said...

Beautiful photos. I'm wondering what your sunset will look like tonight with all the volcanic ash in the air.

sprinkles said...

I really need to get out at night and check out some of the sunsets here! I'm pretty sure they aren't nearly as beautiful as yours are but I'll never know if I don't look for them.

I love the new picture you posted of yourself!

Reading Tea Leaves said...

Your sunset pictures are sublime Zuzana - your photos capture every little nuance and they are all so different! Such special skies you have there in Denmark.

Thank you for your comment at mine today dear friend ... oh yes I do wonder what the sunset is like from the White House on the hill this evening with all this volcanic ash in the atmosphere!


PorkStar said...

wow dramatic and beautiful scenery!!!!

Blogaire said...

You have perfectly captured those magnificent sunsets Zuzana. You are blessed to be living where you are but then I am sure you chose that spot for the beauty nature bestows on it.

I am looking forward to your Flashback Friday as usual. What's it going to be I wonder?

Unknown said...

I agree with you. every sunset or sunrise I see is to special and unique. all so beautiful. have a wonderful weekend!!

Cheryl Kohan said...

I adore sunsets! These are just exquisite.

Unknown said...

beautiful photos.

summer here is suuuuper hot. Am near heatstroke yesterday. but the sunset never change.

I am Denise Katipunera

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

lovely post!
Happy Friday!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


awards for you.

tony said...

A Lovely Elemental Post Zuzana.
Your Views & Photos Are Stunning.

Zuzana said...

Elizabeth, Scribe, Brian, Kath, Sandy, Julie, Sukanya, Kat, Rajesh, LadyCat, Claudia, Mitr, Robynn, Stevie, sprinkles, Jeanne, PorkStar, Blogaire, Doreen, Denise, CherylK, Ji and Tony, thank you so much everyone for your great comments, I am so glad I could share these magnificent sunsets with you.
Thank you likewise for always finding the time to stop by.


Jeannette StG said...

Wow these sunsets are spectacular. Well caught! You could print and sell them!

ninja said...

Your name felt right at home and I wasn't that much wrong. Just on the other side of Tatra mountains.

Gal Friday said...

Wow! Such fantastic "painted" skies!

Hilary said...

You certainly capture the very best of them, my friend.