May 15, 2009

May Nights.

I love the month of May. It is a month of so many expectations. As a prelude to the elusive Scandinavian summer, it holds promises of long days and white nights. As the last spring month, it was in my childhood the last month of school, before the arrival of the sought after summer break, filled with carefree weeks. Sometimes they were sunny and hot, sometimes they rained away. That was the unique beauty of it all; never knowing what might be in store for us.
Even today, when school is not on my schedule anymore, I still love the anticipation.

This week, the white nights have become very obvious. Almost every day, minutes of precious light are visibly added to the days of May and the night sky is now no longer the colour of onyx. For the first time this year I could gaze from my windows at the brilliantly orange horizon in northwest shortly after eleven in the evening, with the traces of sun still in the sky over the city night lights below. In about five weeks, this will culminate in the longest day in the northern hemisphere, when sunset and sunrise will visibly meet and the night will be - almost - absent.

The white nights are now evidently upon us. My favorite time of the year has begun.

May 11th 2009, Time: 23:02

May 14th 2009, Time: 23:10


MsTypo said...

That night sky is really cool.

Reasons said...

How enchanting. My lifelong dream is to see the northern lights.

Julie Hibbard said...

I love May too...the weather is 'just right', it's half way between's my birthday month too.
Have a great May weekend my friend!

Hilary said...

I would absolutely love to see a sky that has the colours of the setting and rising sun. How lovely that would be. I love the perfect arc of blue sky to dark in these photos.

Claus said...

Beautiful sight! so unique. It's really nice.

Holly said...

That was so funny that you mentioned all of the feelings about school, because I have been felling the same way. I have been looking forward to my kids being finished to the point where I am just trunky. I am excited to sleep in,...well,...sort of sleep in, and go swimming, and have lazy afternooons!:):)

Zuzana said...

thank you, glad you liked the pictures.;)

=Reasons To Be..,
I hope you will get a chance to see the Aurora Borealis one day.;))

what a lovely month to be born; hope your weekend is great too.;))

I keep thinking how beautiful the pictures would have been if you took them.;) Thank you for your kind words.;) xo

ye, I have seen the American remake, it was a very good movie. Fortunately, being in southern Scandinavia, we do not have daylight throughout the night and therefore can somewhat sleep without troubles. But it is light until very late.;)

thank you and your description of "unique" is so very accurate.;)

here is hoping and wishing you that the end of the school year arrives really quickly.;)
Hope your weekend is lovely.;)) xo

Free Blog Directory said...

Nice blog

A Woman Of No Importance said...

White nights - How amazing. I love your photography always, Z! Very clear and I can get a sense of somewhere I hope to visit some day...

Enjoy your lighter evenings, and don't work too hard this week, precious Z! xox

Zuzana said...

thank you.;))

your words of kindness always put a smile on my face.;))
I do love the Scandinavian white nights and I hope you will have a chance to experience these one day.;) xo

Shelly's Style Shop said...

I love May too! The nights have been beautiful over here too! I love the pictures.

xoxo, Shelly

Zuzana said...

yes, it gets lighter all over in summer.;))
Thank you for your kind words.;)

Noelle Chantal said...

Your white nights look so wonderful. you are very lucky to experience so many transitions every Month, just like on the moth of May. you've got the most beautiful set of sky from your window. :)

Zuzana said...

I will post a view of my sky every week until mid June. The days are getting longer by each day with a very visible difference.;) I guess that is our reward for surviving winter.;)