June 01, 2009

Hello Summer!

Yes, it has arrived with all its splendor and beauty! We have had three days of absolute summer; sunny, warm, wind still. Perfect to spend it outside, or on a beach. I live in a port city and close to pristine beaches within 20 minutes drive. This early in the summer the sea might still be cold, but refreshing enough for a dip.
Today is a holiday in Denmark and most likely in other parts of Europe, it is the religious observance of Pentecost.

When I was a child, growing up in the former Czechoslovakia, the 1st of June meant a completely different celebration; it was Children's Day. I recall it very well, as we would receive small gifts from our parents. Furthermore, June was the last month of school and meant a countdown to summer break.

Happy Summer everyone!


steviewren said...

Happy holiday today. I hope you spend it in a wonderfully relaxing way. It's back to work for me. *sigh* Monday's are always very stressful. I have some vacation time planned in a couple of weeks that I am looking forward to...it will be a staycation...I'm staying at home to do things around the house with my daughter.

Julie Hibbard said...

Whatever the holiday...I hope it's a happy one! Seems with beautiful blue skies like that, it will be!!
Have a GREAT week!

j. said...

Happy summer Ms. Z!! Ive never been much of a beach person-- I tend to stay away from too much sun but I love the smell and the breeze near the sea.. very relaxing!




No parcel yet? I might be sending it to a wrong address.. mind sending me your addy again? hehe.. thx thx!

Reasons said...

Lucky, lucky you, living so close to lovely beaches! Wishing us all a wonderful summer.

United Studies said...

Happy Summer to you, too!! I cannot wait to be in Denmark and stroll along the beaches. My favorite are along the west coast, and my very favorite is Skagen.

Anonymous said...

So lovely! Life truly, is good.

Diane said...

I want to live by the sea!!! I do. I really, really do. Sniff.

Hilary said...

That looks so dreamy and beautiful. Sigh!

Jill said...

AAAAAAAhhhh, oh how I love summer!

What a treat to live so close to the beach!! ENJOY!

Absolutely Ladylike said...

Dear Zuzana! I love this 2 post about Good Bye Spring and Hello Summer :-) Just posted about how much I loved May on my blog :-) I remember the Children's day, I think we had it in May in Hungray (my Father always took me to a circus or a children show and I loved it so much)...ah I miss those days, almost call tears in my eyes if I think about that how much fun I've had with my father back those days...I just miss my parents so much as I'm living in the other side of the world, so far from them :-( Do you miss yours Zuzana? Where your parents are living? Hope you have a lovely day my dear, much love: Evi

Claus said...

Lovely tropical sounds! I'm so jelaous Protege!, because while you welcome the always lovely summer, June 1st means for us the start of the hurricane season, meaning there are more rainy days :-( Enjoy this wonderful season to the fullest!

Oh, and happy Whit Monday! I'm always amazed how many Christian holidays are off days in Europe, and not in Latin America - or at least in Guatemala - where there are thousands on Christians. I hope you enjoyed your day. :-)

Hazel Designs said...

YAY, SUMMER!!!! Happy Summer to you, too :) What ocean is that in the picture? Gorgeous!

Shelly's Style Shop said...

Love this blog! I have been enjoying the beautiful weather that May has brought us. The beach looks wonderful...if I am lucky I hope to be on a beach sometime next week! Crossing my fingers!

Children's Day sounds like fun! I wish we would have had one of those when I was a kid.

xoxo, Shelly

Mahmud Yussop said...

Oh, I shall now bade spring farewell. Welcome summer. Though where I'm at now its always summer.Heehehe.I do enjoy reading your posts through spring and look forward to an upbeat summer like the song in the video clip:)) Thanks for sharing.

Zuzana said...

sorry that you feel stressed on Mondays, I know what you mean. And I like stayvactions, sometimes that is the best way to relax as face it; traveling these days is always stressful.;) Hope your Monday was lovely nevertheless;))) xo

thank you, I had a wonderful summer day with blue skies indeed.;)

yes, there is so much more one can do on a beach besides taking the sun.;)
Sorry about the parcel, I will mail soon.;)))

=Reasons To Be...,
I have to agree, it is important for me to see the ocean, in fact I see it every day on my drive to work.
Happy Summer to you too.;)))

yes, west coast and Skagen are breathtaking. Particularly the light up there is out of this world, as is the meeting of the two seas.;)
I know you will have a lovely stay here.;)xo

thank you and so right you are.;)) xo

well, look at the bright side, being inland you might have less wind than us. The wind is at times unbearable!;))
Hope your Monday was good.;) xo

glad it gives that impression, always glad when you stop by.;) xo

thank you so much, I truly enjoy the beaches here as they are not as overcrowded as the beaches further south tend to be;))xo

you leave the kindest comments. Glad you enjoyed these posts.;)) Sorry that you miss your parents that much; you also live far away and on a different continent and a very different place than you are used to, so it is not strange.
My parents lived until very recently in Sweden, but hey moved to Prague 2 years ago. I miss them too and we do not see each other enough.
Always love when you stop by.;) xo

yes I keep forgetting that your weather is tropical and your seasons are the opposite of ours. While June means summer to us, to you it is the start of a tropical "winter". I hope I can brighten your day with summer pictures until your summer returns.;)) xo

thank you, that was kind of you and thank you for stopping by.;)

happy summer to you too; I know you love it as much as I do.;))
The pictures was taken about 2 years ago on a vacation in France.;)) Our beaches are very similar.;))

thank you for your kind compliment!;)) How lovely you are heading to a beach soon, I am sure you will love it.
Thank you for your always generous comments.;)

I am glad you enjoy the change of seasons through my blog.;)) Having summer all the time sounds dreamy to me.;)
Glad you liked the song.;))

Noelle Chantal said...

You are very lucky to live in such a wonderful house, Protege. Plus, just a 20 minute drive to the beach, Perfect! The beach there is looking so fine.

By the way, the Children's Day on June sounds so much fun. Here in Manila, June is the start of classes and the end of summer. And it sucks that it's all rain now here. :(

Zuzana said...

I missed Children's Day after we came to Sweden.;)
Yes, the beaches here are very nice, but I bet nothing compared the ones in your climate.;))