June 02, 2009

The Avocado.

Some of you commented on the avocado in my summer lunch and that got me thinking about my first encounter with this interesting fruit.
I was born and spend the first thirteen years of my life in the communist Czechoslovakia, a country that doesn’t even exist anymore.Growing up in the former communist bloc meant almost at all times to be deprived of something. I recall, that having fresh vegetables or fruit was a rarity and one would have to spend many hours standing in line at a vegetable market for anything that was worth purchasing. Those who had their own piece of land were lucky enough to grow their own vegetables, but we, who grew up in the concrete ghettos, had to rely on what the stores offered.

Therefore, I was not familiar with that many different types of vegetables or fruit for that matter, upon our immigration to the west. I will never forget how amazing it was to us the immigrants to be walking around in the western supermarkets. There were fruits and vegetables that I have never seen before in my life.
One of these was avocado. When I tasted the fruit for the first time, it was the most interesting culinary experience then. I remember the overwhelming, unusual, fleshy and fatty taste of the green pulp. I have to admit the taste and the consistency of the fruit was anything but pleasant. To me it tasted odd, not like anything I would recognize. Just strange. I got it at a friend’s house and they served it to me straight as it was. As with anything new, it would have been much better served included in a salad or with additional side dish.

This was almost 30 year ago and today I know, that avocados are not just delicious, but very nutritious as well. They contain the good fat and are loaded with vitamins and minerals.
Nowadays, avocado is one my absolutely favourite fruits. I love it served in any way with anything.

But the best way I know is to eat it just the way I ate it for the first time, with a spoon, completely on its own.


steviewren said...

The first time I had avocado was when I was 13 or 14 and I thought it was gross....disgusting. It was the buttery flavored texture that I didn't like. Now....I love it, especially in freshly prepared guacamole. My DIL makes great guacamole and pico de gallo.

Unknown said...

i love avocados!!!! they're great for skin too. My grandma used it as facial mask, am doing it now too. I love it when it's dry and cracking! oh it hurts. but after washing i love my new skin.

United Studies said...

Avacados are great in many dishes, but I am going to have to try the mask that Denise talks about.

My favorite fruit is the strawberry, however.

Betsy Brock said...

I'm the only one in my family that likes avacado! But that means I don't have to share, either! ha-ha! I love it sliced on a sandwich or salad...or any way, actually! Never tried the facial, though!

easytravel said...

I like avocado, I usually used it as a juice. it very delicious. I'll wait you on my blog also. thanks

Claus said...

Thinking back, I've eaten avocados since a little girl, as they are very common and accessible here in Guatemala. The company I work for produces avocados even. I used to have an avocado tree in the backyard, but had to took it down as it was infested with a warm plague (yuck!) They are delicious indeed, and very nutritious. It was really interesting to read how you came to meet this fruit, and how it has become one of your favorite. Hmmm...I'm in the mood for some guacamole now! :-)

Diane said...

One of my favorite foods! I'm just about to head into the kitchen to make a chicken and avocado sandwich right now!

MsTypo said...

When we lived in Kenya there was an avacado tree right out side Hubby's office and he'd take a few to make guac for dinner. :)

Anonymous said...

Growing up in a vegetarian family, we ate avocados on and with almost everything. I don't eat them nearly enough today.

Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

Growing up in Florida I have been surrounded by avocado trees and abundant fruit, but I had never tried it until last year. I went to a Mexican restaurant with a friend and had a bite of hers and I loved it! (I think I hadn't tried it because it looked too much like mango to me, and I am allergic to that)


the rain kept me in but saw a lot of cute, family-friendly, fun films. and you? :)

thanks, sweetie!


Keera Ann Fox said...

Exactly right: With a spoon. And salt. I prefer herb salt.

Avocado is one of those things that can be added to a hamburger or an omelett and make it an even better dish. And there's nothing like fresh, home-made guacamole!

Hazel Designs said...

Neat story! I LOVE avocados :)

Holly said...

I have missed your blog! For the last few days my internet has been kicking me out of every sight I have gone to. But today, so far so good, so heres knocking on wood.

I love avacados in salad and especially in salsa, but I still don't like them much on their own. I can't imagine being deprived of fruits and vegetables.

Yesterdays post was just beautiful!!

Zuzana said...

I think I was similar age when I tried avocado first, perhaps 15.;) I too love guacamole, particularly with some margaritas.:))

I have never tried a mask like that, I definitely will now.;))

yes, strawberries are so significant of the early summer, I used to have summer jobs as a teenager picking strawberries, that was one of the best jobs I ever had.;))

I agree, it tastes so good on a sandwich.;)) And yes, I am trying that facial too.;))

never tried it as a juice, but I can imagine it is delicious.;))
Thank you for stopping by, I will for sure repay the visit.;)

that is the beauty of living in tropics; you can actually grow fruit we only see in the stores, such as avocados, figs, lemons, limes, oranges, mangos, pineapples, bananas and I can go on on!What I would not give to have an avocado tree in my garden.;))
I hope you enjoyed the guacamole.;)))

that sounds delicious, hope it was a a tasty lunch.;))xo

again, to me this is indeed the most exotic image, to be able to pick my own avocados. I am so living in the wrong part of the world.;))

yes, I can imagine how important this fruit is in a a vegetarian cuisine. Hope you can get back to eating more again.;))

yes, isn't it funny sometimes how we do not eat what is readily available around us. Glad you are not allergic to avocados.;))

it was abundant sunshine here so I spend my weekend outside.;) But sometimes a day in with fun movies is just perfect.;)I hope sun will shine on you next weekend instead.;)

agree with you to the letter! I love it too in omelets and a well made guacamole is so tasty, I better make some this weekend.;))

glad you love those fun fruits too.;)) xo

well and I missed you!!! Sorry about the net, I hate to have computer or internet trouble.
Yes, it is so easy to mix avocados into other dishes, they make them taste somehow better.;))
Glad you enjoyed my yesterday summer post.;)))

Tom said...

When I first moved into my house there were avacodos growing all over the place. I soon put a stop to that. Along with the papayas.

Now Keera has posted a picture of what looks like coffee and the next thing has to be someone showing off their tomato plant.

It's a conspiracy I tell you. There's little I don't like tasting, but avacodos and coffee are at the top of the list (tomato is top, papaya just below avacado and coffee).

Considering the amount of work I put in to clearing the yard of them, avacados are not just horrible to eat, they are the spawn of the devil. ;)

I won't read you blog again if you have a tomato plant ;)


Zuzana said...

hehe, I can not believe that you weeded out the avocado trees.;)) How can you not like this perfect fruit?
But I guess it is as we say in Sweden; "Taste is like the behind, it is split." Hehe, got to give it to the Swedes.;)

Keera Ann Fox said...

@Tom, you won't get that from me! I do not have tomato plants. I tried once, in my kitchen window, and was completely overrun by aphids. Never again! (Does it also help if I say I think papaya is overrated? :-) )

Keera Ann Fox said...

Protege, the Norwegians say the same thing: Smaken er som baken: Delt. ;-)

Kat Mortensen said...

I can imagine how weird it must have been for the first time.

I use avocadoes in homemade guacamole, salads, pasta dishes - I love the texture and the taste. It's just so nice that they are actually good for you as well.


Zuzana said...

yes that is exactly the saying! I guess "delt" can also be translated as "divided".;))

I agree with everything and I love guacamole.;)))

Noelle Chantal said...

That must be very strange for you guys living in a communist bloc back then. And I can imagine your excitement to see and to taste different kinds of fruits and vegetables when you guys migrated to the west. By the way, I love avocado shake, mango shake and any other fruit shakes! I'm very picky when it comes to vegetables. hehe :)

sallymandy said...

Oh, I'm with you completely--right out of the skin is the very best way. I have a sharp little antique spoon that gets out every speck of yumminess. xoxo

Hilary said...

I'm not crazy about the taste and texture but turn it into guacamole and I just love it.

Zuzana said...

yes, it was a bit different to be growing up in the former east bloc.
I have never tried an avocado shake, but it sounds delicious.;))

glad you share that sentiment - my parents had spoons like that, they are truly wonderful to get all the pulp out.;)) Always love your comments.;)) xoxo

guacamole is just perfect; I love it with chips and some Margaritas, shaken over ice.;)))

Gal Friday said...

Yay! 25..make that 26 comments about the lowly Avacado!
I never ate an avacado growing up, myself, and didn't try one until I was nearly thirty. But now I eat them all the time and think they make any dish even tastier(I'll be making a black bean salad for tonight's supper...which I add avacado to)
I also, from reading this, am always interested in your remembrances of growing up in a Communist country --the shortages and the way you noticed the differences in what was available once you emmigrated.

Zuzana said...

thank you so much for this thoughtful comment, glad you too enjoyed this post about something so simple as an avocado.;))
I guess it is a popular fruit.;))