October 27, 2011

Turning Foliage.

Our Indian Summer, which dominated the onset of this month, feels today only as a distant memory. Yet, it has contributed to a truly delayed colour showdown.

We are thus in the midst of a very short and a very intense turn, which I believe will last only a week at the best. It has been only days since the foliage began showing in all the earthy colours of red, copper and golden.
Below are some long overdue updates on our lovely birch. It has lost almost half of its lovely coat and whatever still adores the branches is golden. By each day, the strong westerly winds, with a force so very palpable in these parts, rob the tree of more of its leaves.

When I stand looking out of our kitchen window these days, I always have to pause, looking at the long branches as they sway in my view, like the mane on a palomino, while the air gets saturated by falling leaves, gathering on the ground in heaps, like golden coins. At all times these natural changes instigate in me a sense of security, as yet again the third season moves forward, as does the yearly circle of the birch.

(Please click images for a larger view)


Rahul Bhatia said...

No better way to connect with nature than reading your post!Great one..

Maggi said...

The joy that this season provides may be brief but is so uplifting. Beautiful photos.

Tom said...

Jeez, Zuzana, I've just moaned about not having an Autumn here on Keera's blog and now I see this! I'm so jealous, and really miss Autumn colours!


Hilary said...

Yay for progressive photography! ;)

Our leaves are now past their peak but they were perfect when we were up at the cottage.

adrielleroyale said...

Beautiful :) Have a wonderful week my friend! :)

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are great. You captured Fall beautifully.


Brian Miller said...

we still seem to be in our indian summer a bit...took a long walk with T yesterday down by the creek at lunch...still in shorts and a t shirt...the mornings are cool though...the color palette is starting to drip through and some gorgeous trees...

Becky said...

The photos are keepsakes for sure.Indian summer has gone from here.Sending in its place lots of rain and possible snow showers this weekend.Have these last 2 months gone fast???I so think they have.To bad the months of January through to March dont do the same.

Thanks for visiting my blogs,always so nice seeing you my friend.Blessings! Happy Halloween to you as well.

Bossy Betty said...

Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons and you capture it so beautifully here.

Kath said...

Lovely photos as ever. You can see that tree changing day by day. Have a happy Fall my friend.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

A tree in it's season... I love it. What a wonderful sight out your kitchen window.

I have the bottom land field framed by a backdrop of the Ozark Mountains. Makes time spent at the sink very bearable!!!

God bless ya and have a remarkable day sweetie!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see the changes in your birch tree over the season. Your photos are so nice : )
I do the same with my favorite tree across the field from our house. I photograph it in each season. So far the leaves haven't started to change colors very much.

Dan said...

What a lovely record of the season Zuzana!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

We are to drop to freezing temps tonight...I have to admit I am NOT ready...I would like to have a little more Indian Summer.

Your photos are wonderful Zuzana.

A Lady's Life said...

lovely post zuzana . So nice to see the world in other peoples back yards. :)

SandyCarlson said...

Your post is lovely. The photos are so full of light and color and that special warmth of autumn. Thank you.

Unknown said...

You reminded me of the song, "Indian Summer" by The Doors, Zuzana. Also, we had a white birch in the backyard of the home I grew up in. Nice memories! xoxo! : )

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Very nice post and great pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous! It's mild here too so we are enjoying a longer season of amazing colours...

Rajesh said...

Lovely ways of nature of change. You are fortunate to witness this.

tony said...

The Brightest Colours Come In Autumn.
Think Of Me Tonight, We Are Going For Scandinavian Vegetarian Meal this evening in Hebden Bridge.

Kat_RN said...

Very Pretty. Our leaves here at home are just starting to turn, but a drive into the mountains is glorious right now.
Love this season!

Anonymous said...

Love your birch tree shots, Zuzana. There are a few aspens with leaves here, but most are bare now with another 10" of snow decorating them.
I love the connection you have with nature - you are a kindred spirit and a joy to know.

Margie said...

Zuzana, so enjoyed this post!
I am such a tree lover and their changing beauty always gives me such joy!

Wishing you a lovely weekend!

Margie xoxo

Myrna R. said...

So nice that you follow the seasons with your tree. The pictures are wonderful to see. Thanks Zuzana for sharing them with us.

A Plain Observer said...

we are getting our first snowfall today, waay too early! so the leaves will be gone by tomorrow. It was also a brief foliage. The color of the trees is enchanting during this season, yet the raking is not fun ;)

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Amazing the difference in one week from late September to early October! October skies are so intensely blue and lovely--I don't love November so much!

Have missed visiting you Zuzana! Much going on here on the home front and I've had to put many things on the back burner. Hopefully as winter sets in I will be able to visit all my friends more often! So nice to see how you are loving your new life. Hope your house sells soon, even though I know the real estate business isn't doing well here in the US either. Blessings on your week!

Zuzana said...

Dear friend, glad you like this first update on my birch, the final one will be posted soon.;))

I love trees endlessly as I love their stability and their everlasting presence in the same spot - it is so calming and reassuring.
They are there, but never the same, it is alluring and intriguing at the same time.;)

Thank you as always for your kind words,
