In fact, I was snowed in yesterday. Getting ready for work, I realized that driving out of the drive way was going to be an undertaking, not too mention driving to work. Our street is a private street and thus is often not cleared initially. Driving up the hill after a heavy, or even a light snowfall can be somewhat hairy. The same goes for our driveway. We share a large gravel parking lot and it is some undertaking to keep it clear. As most of my neighbors have been away this week, due to official week of school holidays, the snow shoveling has been neglected. This is actually a problem as we are by law required to keep our properties cleared of snow, to avoid accidents and injuries to others.

In fact, did you know that 15 minutes of snow shoveling counts as moderate physical activity according to the 1996 Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health. And apparently an hour of snow shoveling burns 420 calories. Therefore my yesterdays activity must count for an absolutely hard physical work out. Still, as with any such activity, there are tips and tricks on how to shovel safely, without causing injuries, such as listed by wikiHow.
As I sit here, writing this, it is snowing heavily again. This year Lady Winter ignores the calendar and is becoming that guest that will never leave. Nevertheless, despite it all, the snow covered landscape is infinitely beautiful.
Even now, after gazing at it for over two months, the images and views still take my breath away.

I was going to say that I would send you some sunshine... but think of all those calories you are burning with that snow shovelling!! :0)
Yes, it is snowing here too. Just read in a Dutch newspaper that spring will start late this year because of all the snow and low temperatures. Wich means we have to wait a little longer for spring to begin. Oh, what a joy it will be when it finally arrives together with new fresh veggies.
Have a lovely weekend.
Zuzana, you will have biceps like Popeye with all that shovelling! I bet it was nice to have an unscheduled day off though!!
Your landscape certainly never fails to look beautiful - spring is patiently waiting though and her appearance will be all the more welcome;)
Have a wonderful weekend dear friend. Jeanne xx
It sure is beautiful - particularly on a driveway other than my own. We've still only had that one significant snowfall in December and only a couple of centimeters at a time ever since. I'm not complaining, mind you. Maybe I'll just welcome it more next year. Or if it happens by spring. Beautiful photos and nicely told as always. :)
yeah, and i hear that march is going to be our worst yet. thanksfully she has given us a reprieve. in the 50s here today...gonna enjoy it...
Hi Zuzana! looks like you did a very good job of shoveling.
In my new house now and finally have my internet back!! yeah. will have to get back into the groove of things.....
take care
Hi Zuzana. It's the Law to keep your property Clear! Wow.A Good Idea I guess, as in England it's very much Hit-&-Miss depending on your neighbours .
It seems to have been a harsh Winter allover.The sun is so weak that (even when it appears) it doesnt melt a thing!
Good Luck with the shovelling!Have A Fine Weekend.Tony.
In the desert we had 60 degrees last night and have reached the upper 70's by day. So, winter is rather tame here. Having been raised in the snow-prone Mid-West, however, your post takes me back to those days where snow removal was quite a chore.
Have a great weekend, Zuzana! :D)
So interesting how different life is in different areas of the world. I have never shoveled snow in my life. I think it must be somewhat like vacuuming...(tho FAR more physically grueling!) You can SEE your progress, which is fulfilling in some way, right?
I SO look forward to your posts featuring your beautiful flower-filled yards! I am sure you do too.
Happy Saturday Z!
We do quite a bit of shoveling here too. Our driveway is about 200 ft., which is what I do, and Hubby does the turnaround and all the paths we need open to get around in our little world.
I always carry a cell phone in my back pocket and a water bottle with me. Stopping to enjoy the sweet air, sunshine, and glorious view while drinking water makes it possible to continue on! Problem is, after shoveling, I'm usually very hungry so the calories burned away shoveling are quickly restored! :)
Wishing you a lovely weekend, dear Zuzana!
I hope you treated yourself with a scrumptious dessert last night. It sounds like your burnt enough calories to be able to afford the splurge.
I love the photo of the red trimmed roof line with the bare branches in front. It is very pretty.
I hate to brag, but we're having a touch of Spring here this weekend. yesterday Rachel and I ate outside at a local restaurant. It was refreshing. I hope Spring reaches you soon.
Dear Zuzana:
Hope you are warm and happy!
"There is something incredibly satisfactory about a physical activity, using the power of our bodies" -- I have always felt this and being an academic there is not much use of the body as a medium.
I always endorse pottery, farming and carpentry as 'real' work.
I am so glad I found another trait that has a common link between us. But as always it does not come as a surprise, isn't it?
Joy and hugs,
well...it didnt snow here...but i must say that too much snow is a pain in the neck.i hope you are warm and happy!!good luck!!
I hope you replaced your missing 420 calories with CHOCOLATE! hee hee
I always liked getting out and doing some shoveling but have had to cut back the last couple of years. We have a snow blower to do the hardest work. But I love being out in the snowfall there is something magical about it. We still have lots of snow here but it is very slowly melting down a little. I think we are suppose to get more this week. Take care and don't hurt yourself.
Teacup Lane (Sandy)
I'm sure Batcat was thrilled you got to stay home an extra day!
That looks like a lot of snow to shovel. Ugh! But think of all the calories you burned!!!
We're required by law to keep the snow shoveled too. My neighbor and I share a driveway. Luckily he takes care of all that for me and even shovels the snow on the sidewalk in front of our house! He's talking about selling his house. I'm gonna miss him if he does move! I told him he'll have to find someone to take care of me the way he does. He just laughed!
All of that snow will have to melt eventually, just keep remembering that.
yes, snow here still, also - along the highway it has been piled as high as 18wheeler trucks in many instance - but some melting now - just cold still and white everywhere - where oh where is SPRING!
and you're so right about the physical thing - all the days [nearly 2 weeks] i wasn't able to get to the pool~ ugh ~
Cute blog! x
Shoveling snow is good exercise and I know what you mean about the satisfaction you get from completing a hard physical task. I hope you rewarded yourself in some way. Stay safe and warm.
Zuzana, Don't tell my snowplow guy, but I do enjoy shoveling occasionally. It is good exercise, and you really feel like you accomplished something! Sounds like you need a nice hot tub or sauna! Sherry
Wow, that looks like a huge undertaking! But I know what you mean about feeling good when the task is finished. Take it easy today, if the snow will let you : )
Looks like you have a rather long driveway. With today's snow your fine work might be all covered up... yikes! I've gained weight this winter and maybe I should proceed to the driveway and burn off some calories... :) Hope you are having an nice easy Sunday. Have a cuppa tea and keep warm!
The Bach xx
Though snowy landscapes look picturesque, it is difficult to live in it on daily basis... Hope ur snow melts away and spring smiles on your face soon...
Paris City - Part II
My Little Black Dress
Hi Zuzana
It's snowing here today and soooo cold and I'm wishing I was back in San Francisco.
I do believe I left my heart there!
It's the most fantastic city!
But I do love the snow and all your snow pics are beautiful!
Stay warm and cozy!
So nice to be back at your blog again.
Well, my power-shovelling, "goat girl"(I'm a Tiger, did you know?), I hope you have recovered nicely(a long soak in a hot tub, and a restful rest of the weekend should be your reward at least for all your hard work)after the strenuous work-out.
And..I hope this is tthe LAST TIME you have to do anything with that snow shovel.
The photos, BTW, are so very pretty, but seem more suited for a Christmas postcard that the end of February.
One more thing...you have been tagged. Come on over when you get the chance, to see what it's about.
Every fresh snow fall always took my breath away no matter how much it snowed when we were in Sweden, and I do like your first photo, breathtaking as you say. But I also remember how it was when Mike was away one time and I had to do the snow clearing. It was very hard work!
I do hope you can manage to get out and about today.
Wow. You are still getting hit. I'm hoping we are done. Sshh. Not too loud.
Mad Hatter
Eternally, Elizabeth, Jeanne, Hilary, Brian, Doreen, tony, Michael, Julie, Zuzu, Stevie, Susan, SuE (welcome!), Kath, Sandy, sprinkles, Gypsywoman, Devon (welcome!), Kat, Sherry, LadyCat, The Bach, Mitr, Margie, Tina, Lynne and Nessa, thank you all for those absolutely great comments and compliments about my physical abilities and my photography. Glad that most of you recognize this work out in snow. And I am so happy you are not tired of my snow posts yet.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to stop by, your visits mean the world to me, always.
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