Thus the month of May and June comprises my absolute favorite time of the year, one that is defined by light. Additionally, it is signified by almost daily sunsets that take my breath away, combined with stunning views of the evening sky.
I will never ever get tired of my late spring - early summer vistas, as I watch - almost daily - when the fiery disc meets the horizon in a covert kiss, colouring it by plethora of fiery brushstrokes, causing it to blush upon this romantic encounter. As the sun vanishes beneath the dark silhouette of the Earth, the heavens turn slowly orange and then purple. Shortly after midnight they gain the hue of silver blue - however never ebony.
The sun is absent for only a portion of the night, yet its imminent presence can clearly be felt throughout the time of twilight, until it reappears in the small hours of the morning, submerging my world in a rosy sunrise.
This is the culmination of the white nights, a countdown to midnight sun. A time of magic and enchantment here in Scandinavia.
Yet, no matter the culture or location, the sun has been worshiped by humans all across our world for millennia - ever since the primitive man recognized its vital potential.
The allure of the golden star continues to mesmerize us even today and will in the future, despite the progress and technology which rule and explain our reality. Humanity will endlessly maintain a strong urge to hold onto that which is beyond our control and beyond any clarification, that which entices us and keeps us standing back in awe.
(Below a selection of May sunsets and evening/early night skies, as seen from my windows. Please click each image for larger view.)

Gorgeous views. Absolutely stunning.
You are so lucky living up the hill in that beautiful house of yours with these large windows because you get the chance to drink it all in without leaving your Batcat aka Samsonite!!!!
WoW! Wonderful Photos Zuzana! Especially #1.! Have A Sunny Day My Friend,
Wishing you sunshine always x
Wow - your photos are amazing! I do so agree with you about the magical light of a Scandinavian late spring/summer...
what beautiful colors zuzana...the heavens have surely fascinated me for years, the moon, stars, sun,,you have a great view...
Beatiful photos Zuzana - what a view you have!
PS I have just left a message on your previous post.xx
I so so so want to visit your area one day to see the amazing sky, sunsets and sunrises that you write so passionately about. I am just fascinated by all the colors of your sky.
Gorgeous pictures! How wonderful that you stop to appreciate this beauty AND that you share it with us as well!
Beautiful pictures as always! They take my breath away.
have a lovely day!
What an enchanting place you live in! Light all day in the summers and dark all day in the winters...It's no wonder that the beliefs, stories, myths, and legends surrounding the sun are so potent there and everywhere! :) So much room for the imagination to run wild and free when such phenomenon are present. "Humanity will endlessly maintain a strong urge to hold onto that which is beyond our control and beyond any clarification, that which entices us and keeps us standing back in awe." I love this statement, and agree with it wholeheartedly! Have a blessed rest of your week! :)
Oh Wow Heavenly!
We just get dull skies and rain which continues to make it chilly
Who knows what the ozone layer is like today, if its closing or not but for this reason I don't mind cloudy skies.
absolutely stunning, zuzana. you weave a beautiful tale of this midnight sun - an event i have never seen but long to, some day. this romantic encounter of sun and earth is enchanted indeed, as you say.
Truly beautiful pictures!
Thank for sharing!
Those colors are breathtaking!
You are so lucky to see all that beauty from your window!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Margie xo
Wonderful views! As you say breathtaking,the world is so beautiful but sometimes we just don't take enough time to look and to wonder!
The photos are wonderful Zuzana!
As I read the first lines I thought to myself that you MUST be mistaken that it is so close to summer solstice but it IS TIME ALREADY! Time goes by sooo fast!!
Gorgeous skies! WOW! I just noticed this evening that the daylight is lasting until 9pm here...summer is coming!
Stunning photographs Zuzana.
The beauty of nature is unmatched by anything else in the world
Absolutely gorgeous sunsets, Zuzana.
Enjoy your weekend!
Spectacular photos! They open my heart....
What a beautiful area of the world, you live in! I hope many people there, appreciate it as much as you do.
I can't hope that all there, do. There will always be some people, who go through life, *blind* to many beauties. -sigh-
These sky shots are amazing. So beautiful. I love this time of year the way I love Thursdays for the promise of the weekend that they carry. Very beautiful.
What a caring and sensitive viewer of life's beauty you are, Zuzana! I see the late Spring/early Summer as time for a new opportunity for everyone...whatever that may entail! xoxo!! ;)
Rajesh, Elizabeth, tony, Kath, Birdie, ladyfi, Brian, Jeanne, Stevie, Betty, Claudia, adrielle, Lady, Amanda, Margie, Angela, Jill, Betsy, Richard, Donna, Darla, Amelia, Sandy and Michael – I am delighted to learn that you still enjoy my sunset shots and are not bored silly yet.;)
I simply can not stop sharing those views with you, as every single evening these light shows take my breath away.
I will forever remain mystified by natural wonders and the beauty of that which we do not control. And I hope mankind never ever learns to completely control and predict natural occurrences, as its mystery is the greatest enchantment of them all.
Thank you for your visits and wonderful comments.
Such lovely photos, Zuzana. Sky photos are some of my favorites and these are exceptional!
Such beautiful and stunning photos, magikal
so nice,thank you for sharing,
Cheryl, Ronnie (welcome) and boweiz (welcome), glad you enjoy the stunning sunset that I can watch in my views.;) Thanks for stopping by.;))
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