July 30, 2009


A few years back, I invited my neighbours over for a glass of vine. They are my favourite neighbours and "surrogate parents" to Batcat, taking care of him when I am on vacation.
In Denmark it is custom to always bring something with you for the hostess. Whether it is a bottle of vine, a cake or a bouquet of flowers. It really doesn't have to be much, as long as you do not show up empty handed.

On this occasion I received a very interesting gift. It was a plant that was growing out of a glass container. A vase, if you will, but it was no ordinary vase in that respect that the vase was the actual pot, containing the soil with the root of the flower. I say flower, as it is suppose to be flowering with pretty pink flowers. However, it has never flowered for me. But as much as it doesn’t flower it sure does grow. When I got it about three years ago the plant was barely reaching the end of the glass pot. I have not seen plants like that before nor since and I immediately took liking to this "Cinderella Plant", as I ended up calling it. I have no idea what plant it actually is.
It always struck me that it looked as if it was growing our of a glass slipper.


Reading Tea Leaves said...

What an amazing plant! Very lush-looking - is it part of the Orchid family or a succulent I wonder. Do you have to water it or does it just grow miraculously! It will look so pretty when it eventually flowers.

Hilary said...

That's very cool. Do you ever put it outside in summer? I'm thinking it might flower then.

Sumandebray said...

A well deserved name for this plant....
very pretty!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

"Cinderella Plant", sounds a nice name!!

Blogaire said...

That is a wonddeful Danish tradition and a nice gift that you received. It is a most unusual plant, I will bring your photo to our Botanic Gardens next time I go there and maybe somebody will recognize it.

Barbro Andersen said...

Oh, that's so cute, especially the name that you gave it :)

Thank you so much for commenting my blog, you're a danish sweetheart :)

Julie Hibbard said...

Or it could be Rapunzel...since it looks like Rapunzel throwing her long hair out of the castle for the prince to climb up!
LOVE it!

Claus said...

Very interesting plant indeed! And though it hasn't give you any flowers, it's still very unique, just as it is the name you have given it.

Betsy Brock said...

So pretty! It looks a little bit like a green ribbon that has been twisted and braided. Maybe it will flower some day!

Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

A very unique plant indeed! I love the name you gave it, and it is very pretty and interesting. wonder what it is?

Hazel Designs said...

Whoa, what a cool-looking plant! I've never seen anything like it!

Maria said...

Fascinating plant you have there - a rare gift. I miss the sea very much, having lived in coastal Dublin, I'm in inland Lucknow now and find the climate altogether dry. Yes, I do agree that snails are quite fascinating, but I find them a little creepy!

Zuzana said...

Thank you all for your lovely comments and interest in my "glass slipper plant"; I have one regret and that is not having enough time to respond individually to each and one of you. But I will get back into that old routine in a week or so.;))
Blogaire, please let me know if you find out what kind of plant it is.;))


sallymandy said...

That is very interesting and unusual. Thank you for sharing this with us.