January 24, 2011

The Power Of A Thought.

Sooner or later, we all come to a point in our life when we start to ask the real questions. The ones that will help us make sense of the chaos that is our existence, trying to establish the reason to so many whys. Why certain events in our reality will come to pass, while others will not - no matter what we do; why we do continue to hope and struggle - despite all odds; why we have the capability to love and also to hate - both with such a passion; why we can be so endlessly happy and simultaneously extremely sad; why certain people come into our lives and why our destiny unfolds the way it does. And infinitely the cardinal question of them all, why are we really here...

When I was younger, these inquiries occupied very little of my contemplation, but as I grow older, finding explanations matters more by each day. Most likely, I will find very few resolutions in my quest for answers, but my life has become infinitely more interesting, because I am trying to do so.

Due to some events that took place in my life a few months back, my perception of life itself has shifted in a drastic way. The change is still taking place and I truly enjoy this transition. It has though been a process that commenced already years ago and it is first now that I can adequately grasp its concept and feel its effects.

One of the main beliefs that came to gain hold in my consciousness is the power of our thoughts. I call it a power of a thought, while others might call it a power of a belief or even the power of a prayer.
Even scientists are starting to pay attention to the infinite power with which our thinking has the potential to inflict changes on the physiology and the biological processes that take place in our bodies. This involves the power to heal by believing that we can be healed, the widely recognized effects of placebos and the will power of giving up - or not giving up - when injured or terminally ill.

I am not going to bore you with all these scientific facts, as what I really want to talk about is my own experiences when it comes to positive thinking.

When I interact with people, I very quickly gain a perception of who they are. They way they carry themselves, the look in their eyes, the expression on their face, the subjects they choose to discuss, the opinions they express. I pay most of all attention to the overall feeling I get when I am in their presence. Whether is is their aura, the positive energy of a beautiful mind or something else that I tune into, after some interactions, I feel revived. I feel refreshed and happy and I feel a strong longing to be in the presence of these individuals again. Then there are others, whose conduct leaves me drained, tired and even sad and I will most definitely shun their company in the future.
This has prompted me already years ago to realize that optimistic, positive people will always be viewed as popular and attractive, because their optimism attracts. If their optimist can attract people, I realized it could also attracts events.

I have always been an optimist by nature, but even I can become sad and unhappy. As unpleasant events took place early in my adult life, the negative effects at one point drained my positive energy, leaving me alone and confused. All I had were my thoughts. I over-thought and over-perceived everything, to the point when I no longer possessed the clarity to see the truth. Often imagining what was not there and expecting the worst, I entered a viscous circle that filled me with fear and apprehension.

Then one day I realized, that I could change all this by changing the way I think. I began trying to find something positive in everything. Slowly at first. Looking around me, seeing the beauty in nature even on a dreary winter day. In the rain that soaked my surroundings when I was wishing for sunny days, in the solace I felt so overwhelmingly and so often. In the outcome of small, insignificant daily occurrences, which might not have progressed as anticipated. And slowly in everything that affected my life, even major events that were devastating and painful. And with this newfound way of viewing my life, fear and apprehension started to diminish. As positive thoughts took over my thinking, soon effortlessly and with ease, my own life took a path that involved life changing experiences, defining moments and a heightened sensitivity in locating positive encounters, which would have otherwise passed unnoticed.

I would have never believed that a thought can contain so much power, have I not experienced this personally. A positive outlook does not just change the way we feel and live, but it also increases the potentials in our conducts and capabilities.
To be positive does not mean that one will lock out pain and shun conflicts, defer from changes or avoid obstacles. It means rather a total acceptance of life's balancing spectra, where these events play a vital role, leading us to places of happiness and content. And perhaps ultimately to the answers to our whys.


Ines said...

Wonderful images - beside your wonderful thoughts...

I am happy for you, that you are able to think positive- to change things in your life.
It´s the best way for me, too, to have good thoughts... Yes- it´s hard sometimes- but it works...

So I do with my children- for them... when they have trouble in school, I take them strong in my arms and think, that they are in a cloud of light and bad things can´t go through this cloud. I find positive sentences in my thoughts , that they have a good day and crazy kids leave them alone... I beg the angels to help them...

So we can do the same for us...

A big hug, and a positive day-


Anonymous said...

This is so wonderful to read. I am going to come back to this when I need it. There are some days it is difficult to stay positive, but I alos feel that overall I am an optimistic person also. I completely agree with what you say about being around people and the energy they give off. I try to avoid the people that drag me down, but due to circumstances, sometimes we can't. I wish I could learn to put a bubble up to keep the negative vibes out : )

Brian Miller said...

smiles. i agree with the power of our thoughts. what you put in is mostalaways what you get out, esp with thoughts. if i want to be unhappy i can get that way pretty quick by what i think and who i surround myself with...and if i want to get somewhere or be something it works much the same...happy monday friend

Laura said...

thoughts are indeed powerful Zuzana...and one thing I have learned is that I don't have to believe every thought that crosses my mind...some are helpful and healing, some are painfully detrimental to my well being...AND of course, remembering that they will pass if I don't get hung up on them is of extreme importance...everything is in a state of transition, thoughts, emotions, physicality...everything...I find this to be a tremendous relief.

gentle steps

Elizabeth said...

Amen to this great post.

Unknown said...

Wonderful post Zuzana. I, too, believe that positive thoughts can bring about positive events and try my best to have positive thoughts on a daily basis. This is hard to do at times, as there's so much pain and sadness in the world. But if we ALL had positive thoughts, perhaps we could change this.

Maria said...

"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he." That's written in the book of Proverbs in the Bible. What a powerful post. I love the spiritual depth of it. If we change our thoughts we can change our lives.

Thanks for this wonderful post.

Foxglove said...

Such wonderful words Zuzana.
I have been very fortunate to mostly look at the good in a situation, turning negatives if possible into a positive or work through them. I know this is not always easy. My worst nightmare I had to face, to look into it's eyes and work through it and by doing this it has turned out to be the greatest blessing of all.

I think Positive thinking, being optimistic is a wonderful attribute to be able to apply in life. Thank you for such a glorious post.

Have a positively wondrous week. xxx

Julie Hibbard said...

So good! So true!
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it” Charles Swindol
I absolutely agree. And more than that, I am living proof.
Thank you for this early morning inspiration!

Bossy Betty said...

This post made me think a lot about how people view life and what happens in it. I know I tend to gravitate toward positive people and I try my best to be one of them too. There is a lot of power in thoughts. Thanks for reminding me of this!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your inspiring post here. LadyCat posted on Authenticity yesterday which correlates well with your thought process here.
Have a great week! All of us have so much to be thankful for! :)

Sukanya said...

True Zuzana. Our thoughts and perception matters so much. Fear and apprehension are distanced when you think positive. Glad that you learnt all by yourself about the power of a thought. Sometimes experience is the best teacher!!.And thanks for sharing such a valuable message.

Great post!! :)


Anonymous said...

The mind is an amazing thing, thus far not really fully explored, explained or even well used by us... I definitely believe that your mindset affects what happens to you.

Lovely comforting post!

Hilary said...

You give much to think about.. positively. It's certainly not the first I've read this concept but with each source who believes, it brings me closer to adopting this mindset. Thanks for the eloquent reminder.

Lulda Casadaga said...

Zuzana: I always try to be positive everyday...there is nothing worse than being with someone who is so negative that they actully drain you! In massage we call them energy vampires or zappers! :D

I'm always telling my students to watch out for those types of clients...

Great post...and today I'm happy to send you some positive vibes from across the great pond my friend! ;)

Kath said...

I remind myself that I have 2 choices when I wake up in the morning, cheerful or grumpy, I really believe it's my choice. Even on the odd occasion that I choose grumpy, it never lasts long! LOL

SY said...

you see the world beautifully I suspect.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Beautiful ponderings... Thank you for sharing them.

Hugs and ♥'s...
'Cause Valentine Day is coming!

Christmas-etc... said...

Absolutely. So many circumstances are forced upon us in life (where we are born and to who for instance) but being positive is a choice we can all make. And it makes all the difference to how our lives are lived.
Thanks for another thought provoking post.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh this is so very true sweetie. I so enjoyed this post 'cause it is life changin'

It's makin' lemonade outta lemons and seein' the glass half full. It's a choice to see the good in things and it's amazin' how that positive energy can change everything in your life.

God bless ya and have an extraordinary day sweetie!!!

bright star said...

Dear Zuzana,once again thought provoking words.We can only try to see the wonder of life and it is not a crime to get down when life gives us a kicking ! Optimism is a gift and it saves us!

Kim said...

Wow, you took the words right out of my mind and laid it out for me to read. You express what I want to say, and I am not that good at it..so now I have you to help me..that's what I love about blogging..so many of us have the same thoughts but can't quite express them as well as our blogger friends can. The whole time I was reading I was thinking..Yes, that's it! And I agree about being in the presence of certain individuals..just looking at an expression, a movement, hearing a thought, maybe even noticing a twist of hair..perhaps it is aura..WELL SAID, My Dear!

Cat in the road said...

I think you answered my question in paragraph four.

sprinkles said...

Another excellent post, Zuzana!

I truly believe in the power of positive thinking. When I got fired, I was so unhappy. I hated my job but yet, I didn't want to get fired. Yet, I wasn't in any hurry to leave because at least I still had a regular paycheck coming in.

And now, while I'm still not happy I was let go, I do believe it was for the best. I'm actually much happier these days. My future is much more uncertain but I'm ok with that - for now, at least!

Yes, negative individuals can be difficult to be around sometimes.

Mahmud Yussop said...

Dear Zuzana,
What a powerful thought for the day.Saying 'Yes' to life will only manifest its power when combined with prospering others with knowledge,love,economy and strength of character or belief. You have made many souls here 'feel good' about themselves,a balancing act that works better with positive thoughts. I treasure this post like a postcard from heaven :)
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I try not to question too deeply, often there isn't a clear answer.
But your thoughts on optimism, i agree totally.
It really is a powerful state of mind and goes hand in hand with confidence.
Great thoughts here zuzana

Rajesh said...

I think some questions do not have convincing answer. We will be always searching for one.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree, I've always thought that there are people in this world that give energy and people that drain you of it... I know the ones I want to be around most ;)

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

What a thoughtful and WISE post Zuzana. I agree with you that we must DECIDE to make optimism our plan. I know "stuff" happens that will bring the VERY best people down but searching for the "light" in the darkness is survival for me.

Wonderful post.

Sumandebray said...

the more one thinks...... More clueless he finds himself.

Unknown said...

fantastic post! I hope your optimism will rub off on me some. been kind of down lately. need a pick me up!!

adrielleroyale said...

This is so true and provable too! All you have to do is look around you and make comparisons! My grandma is a very positive thinker and has the strength and vitality to prove it. She is in her 70's but you would never know it which is one of the things I absolutely love about her. Then you have others half her age who are negative thinkers and their bodies and minds deteriorate at an alarming rate as proof to their negativity. This is a great reminder! For people of all ages! :)

A Plain Observer said...

Life offers good and bad, and it is up to us to choose one to set our pace.
I don't possess that insight to know people when I meet them. I wish I did! but I do know that positive people will accept your positivism and negative ones will rejectand resent you.
I can also attest to the power of a thought, faith and/or prayer. I was able to escape a transplant because minutes before a test, I engulfed in a powerful thought and the illness according to the doctors "voluntarily regressed"...I call it faith.

SandyCarlson said...

I think most of us are frightened by others' thoughts!

A Lady's Life said...

So true and if it wasn't for the news every day, to keep you down, the world would be full of sunlight.
But when you see and hear and feel the pain knowing there is nothing we can do....that there are such ugly people out there and we can't find them to put them away....all you are left with is prayer that there is a merciful God and that he sees all.
So with tears in your eyes you can smile again and just keep going on hoping for the best.
Life is a gift and we were given this gift to experience and in spite of everything, people prize this gift as the best thing man can get.
This is why we are here.To see, to learn, to teach as we were taught to be bigger and better people and to survive.:)

Velvet Over Steel said...

Wonderful thoughts, pictures and thoughts as always, Zuzana!!! This post really perked me up today!! Thank you!!!
Coreen xoxoxo

Donna said...

Great post, Zuzana. I so believe positive thinking. I have a little sticky note in my bathroom where I can see it every morning that says, "your thoughts control your life".


Calli said...

What a timely post my friend. I resonate so completely and have been writing on this very subject and my own personal experience with positive thinking/prayer. I feel exactly as you described, especially about what I pick up from others auras, nature, etc. It must be our souls evolution and not everyone comes to the conclusion that, hey, I can control my negativity. I believe negativity is the easiest trap to fall into; the 'victim' role. I also believe, in contrast, that 'positivity' can be the hardest, but once we learn and stay on that mindset, the world opens so completely.
Lovely, thoughtful and engaging post, Zuzana...xxoo

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Well the power of thought, reminds me a quote which says: Life for those who feel is tragic and life for those who think is comic... So, is better not to think!!

Nessa said...

This was a very uplifting post. Our thoughts are one thing we can control. They are ours. We can choose to make them positive.

Unknown said...

It is so good to live with this attitude. To chose joy instead of sadness. I mean, there are so many opportunities for despair. I love that you reminded all of us of this truth today. Thank you.

SandyCarlson said...

I am back to say...this post has struck a chord with me. I find at work (an urban middle school) that if I make a point of being sincerely complimentary and kind when the day starts, magic flows from it. Today the librarian wondered how I am still smiling after so many years. "Life is good," I told her. It is.

Joanna Jenkins said...

This is the perfect reminder that "you get what you give"... This is a wonderful post. Thank you.

Congrats on your POTW from Hilary.

xo jj

steviewren said...

I believe a grateful heart helps me stay positive about life.

I've always called myself a realist...I try to tell myself the truth, not sugar coat things....but there is a fine line between realism and becoming cynical. I've had to watch that I don't go in that direction.

I think about the psychology of smiling...which comes first? The smile or the feeling of happiness. They say to smile, even when feeling bad or discouraged, makes us feel better and not the other way around. To me this fact is proof that saying and acting in a positive way is the key to a happier life.

Zuzana said...

Ines, LadyCat, Brian, Laura, Elizabeth, Jane, Maria, Foxglove, Julie, Betty, The Bach, Sukanya, ladyfi, Hilary, Lulda, Kath, SY, Amelia, Ann, Nezzy, Angela, Kim, Scribe, sprinkles, Mahmood, Richard, Rajesh, SDB, Jill, Sumandebray, Doreen, adrielle, Myriam, Sandy,Lady, Coreen, Donna, Calli, Philip, Nessa, Life with Kaishon, Joanna and Stevie – thank you all for sharing with me your own sentiments when it comes to the way we think and the way our own thoughts can affect the way we live. I am so glad to learn that many of you found something that spoke to you in this post.

Optimism, as stated by the lovely quote above, is a catalyst that can spark extraordinary results. Although at times, when tragedy strikes, it is difficult to see the glass being half full - if we only allow ourselves the realization that nothing is perfect and that pain and sorrow will always be present in our lives, this acceptance will help us enjoy all the good and beautiful with renewed spirits.

Thank you all for always finding the time to stop by and to read so careful even my longer and at times heavier post.


Absolutely Ladylike said...

How beautifully said dearest Zuzana...thank you so much for this reminder...I deeply agree with you and trying my best to stay optimistic and finding the pleasure and beauty on a daily basis in little things in life.

Frank Baron said...

Congratulations, Zuzana. I'm happy you've discovered the power of positive thinking. It is indeed remarkable and life-altering. I read a book as a teen that influenced me dramatically in this direction called "The Magic of Believing."

I've had my share of difficulties but keeping a glass-half-full approach helped me deal with them.

Cheryl Kohan said...

Zuzana, this is one of my favorites of all of your posts. I tend to be a "glass half full" person, too. Congratulations on being chosen for POTW...well deserved, my friend.

I also like the following quote:

"Peace: It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart."