Even though I relished in being blog free initially - forgetting about posting completely - this past weekend my longing to write has returned. Almost everywhere I go, I compose posts in my mind and I take mental photographs of everything I see and experience around me. I miss writing this online diary and therefore, even though for only a short while, I am back. Forgive me though if it will take me some time to catch up with all of you, however I intend to do my very best in that department.
I have had the privilege to spend some of these past three weeks in the company of a lovely visitor and my favorite gentleman; Mr. Summer, which has been bestowing upon us hot and sunny weather, a true recipe for happiness.
When I have visitors, I turn into a tourist myself, traveling around in my immediate vicinity, discovering hidden spots of beauty and history, not far away from my own doorstep. Combined with gorgeous weather and splendid company, time always seems to fly way too fast...

Welcome back, my lovely! I guessed immediatley from the photo who that was. Irish men have a distinct "look" don't you think.My Husband is the same, I think he looks very "Irish" and people will comment on it, when I show photos.
I'm sad that your lovely man has gone, let's hope it's not for too long.
It's good for all of us when you write. I think blogging is wonderful because we can come and go, and there is always a receptive audience. A virtual home for our creative works. Cool thing. I am glad you enjoyed the company of the gentlemen!
Animals are instinctive, they sense friend or foe. Apparently your Irishman has the pheromones that label him as a friend. That’s a very good sign.
I know you were afraid that Mr Summer wasn’t going to make his appearance this year because of the Icelandic volcano. But I told you he wouldn’t disappoint you.
So savor every moment this season is bestowing upon you, and bring those memories out when Mr Winter comes to call. Good memories have a way of comforting the heart during those cold and lonely days.
Welcome Back Zuzana! [Youve had a Chinese visitor also?!]
Yes , Visitors help you see your World with new eyes.
There is nothing better than spending time with great people. Glad you've been having fun :0)
welcome back! smiles.
wonderful pics...ah, i have missed the glimpse into your world....glad you got to spend time with your men...and are refreshed and writing again....
Your Chinese "Visitor" Above!!!!
Dear Zuzana:
How happy I am to see you back "in the rounds" dear Zuzana. Hope you enjoyed the World Cup with your man. Thoughts of you often passed my mind while seeing the Dutch matches.
How different blogland was without your pictures and words. I see a new picture of yours now. Hmmmm. You be happy and WELCOME again.
Welcome back, Zuzana! Your presence has been missed! :)
I understand what you mean about blogging. It really does get into your blood, doesn't it? :P
Welcome back.
The mysterious Irishman looks quite hot (and I don't mean because of Summer.)
Your collage of scenery is beautiful. What a lovely place you live in.
I get that way about blogging. At first it is such a relief to be away - so relaxing - and then I miss it and all my bloggy friends terribly.
I'm glad you're back even if it's only for an interlude. I've missed you. Your photos are spectacular and I agree that the Irishman looks nice and hot.
Blogging has a powerful allure, however much we sometimes need/want a break.
Sometimes I think of it as an addiction, hard to give up especially when all your fellow bloggers want you to keep on.
Enjoy your break.
and I have MISSED your words and your artistic photos.
I think when we view the world through eyes and a heart that wants to share, well, it helps us grow and it definitely helps others grow. I always feel refreshed, thoughtful, and happy when I read your entries.
And about your Irishman...yum.
Sending love,
What a cutie cat! Best regards Zuzana!
Hello Zuzana! What a wonderful photo of The Irishman and Alpha Cat. So glad you had a wonderful visit.
Write when you can and I will enjoy visiting.
I have a love affair with the summer too and find myself STAYING away from my blog yet drawn back to it as well!
Enjoy your traveling.
The scenery and images are just fantastic. Very lovely places. Glad to hear news of you ( and the summer and the Irishman). Take care.
Welcome back, even if it is only for a short break. Sometimes we just have to get away from something to appreciate it fully. I am so glad you are enjoying your summer.
its nice to see U again:) enjoy summer till it lasts, I love this time of the year as well, but it seems to be always too short:P x
HELLO! it's so great to hear from you, even more so to learn that you are enjoying this time of year at is fullest. You sound happy and relaxed, I have to say, and there is nothing better than to have a friend in that state. Keep enjoying the summer my friend!
Oh, how I've missed you Zuzana! I am so glad to posted today - your photos are gorgeous & I'm so happy you were able to spend time with both your favorite gentlemen!
Sending you hugs,
I missed you and your beautiful words and incredible photographs! You are truly an inspiration to me always, do you know that?
I can't go very long without blogging either...and am ready to get back to some serious posts again...the heart has mended and it's time to go forward!
You are loved.
I need to plan a trip to see you. Heading back to Europe in September!
I have been such an occasional blogger lately and having logged on to my blog for the first time in over a week my heart leapt to see that you have made a welcome return, however fleetingly. Thank you my dear friend for your lovely comment at mine.
I'm so pleased that you have spent some precious time with your handsome Irishman - and to be enjoying such a glorious summer - the collage of your days out is wonderful!
Enjoy the rest of the summer!
We are rarely tourists unless we have family visit from out of state. There's so much of our state I have yet to see.
Welcome back, I've missed you!
I don't know that I'd miss blogging much because sometimes I struggle just to find something to talk about but I would definitely miss the friends I've made from it.
A picture of the Irishman! And new picture of you too. Now if only we could get a picture of the two of you together! :)
welcome back.....
Good to have you around
welcome back.....
Good to have you around
Welcome back, Zuzanna! Missed seeing you in blog land! (although I've been away too, just not that long)
Welcome back Zuzana - you can see how much you were missed! I am pleased you had a nice relaxing time with your Irishman.
Your photo montage is marvellous - are you sure you don't work for Danish Tourism? Certainly you will inspire a lot of people to go there! Enjoy your travels in August Zuzana and the company of your visiting family and friends!
Oh it is soo good to have heard from you again!! I am so glad that you have been enjoying family and friends. (Especially one 'friend' in particular.) ;) I hope that the rest of your summer and your travels in August are as wonderful!!
Good to see you back in the blog world. I can perfectly understand the feeling, when away from the blog.
Hello Suzanna dear welcome back. I'm glad you had a wonderful break and a great time.
And such gorgeous palace you live in. Love that castle in a hill.
Thank you for sharing.
You have been missed!!! But so glad you are being refreshed--and having fun and good company!
Welcome back! Lovely to read you again and in your usual superb posting form too. : j
I'm so glad for you that your Irishman was able to visit. I miss your wonderful posts but my own online presence has been sporadic as The Summer is kindly visiting us as well.
your collage is beautiful! the Irishman is not too shabby either...... :-)
Kath, Sandy, Scribe, tony, Eternally..., Brian, Susan, Tony, Nessa, Stevie, Elisabeth, Sharon, Phillip, Jill, Mahmood, Kat, Maja, Claudia, Zuzu, Julie, Jeanne, Di, sprinkles, Sumandebray, jeannette, Blogaire, Holly, Rajesh, Regina, V and C, Alesa, Hilary and Doreen; thank you so much everyone for your warm, welcoming words.
I missed your kindness and generosity. I am so glad you enjoyed the recollection of my time off in pictures and words; thank you so much for stopping by.
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