This Friday I bought my first clementines of the season. They are similar to tangerines, but smaller and sweeter. Very popular in Europe, imported from Morocco or Spain, they are (I think) still not as widespread in the US.
I love the taste of any kind of citrus fruit, but especially oranges, clementines and tangerines. They remind me strongly of Christmas. Since I was a child, they were freely available in the winter. The scent of the orange peel, together with cinnamon and clove are one of the most Christmas like I can imagine.
Oh, I looooove me some Clementines! So does Ryan, as she can actually peel them herself and they (usually) don't have seeds. When they're in season, I buy them in 5lb boxes (even though they're God-awful expensive) and we each eat about 4 a day. YUM!
Diane, I love that they don't have seeds.:)) I can eat them all the time, good thing that they are good for me.;)
Yum! I've also been partial to the name "Clementine" for girls, for some reason. It's a very whimsical name :)
Hi there! Thanks so much for the answers on the questions I posted.. :-) Although, I dont think I know much about fashion-- but that's okay.. there are other things besides it, no? :-)
Oooh! Clementines.. just the name alone already sounds pretty-- and I love citrus fruits.. esp the smell.. its like happiness in a fruit!
You know, I honestly don't think I have ever tasted a Clementine, and I am very partial to citrus fruits. I am going to make it a goal to hunt one down and try it. It is interesting to me that these fruits were readily available to you in the winter as a child because when I was a child in Utah, fruit was scarce in the winter. Although now that I live in the desert, and the winter is unseasonably warm this year, the local fruit trees are still producing.
Speaking of which,...I cannot believe the beautiful buds that you found in your garden this week. The pictures in your last post were phenominal considering the time of year. Even though seeing those would have been a very welcome mood booster for me, I can't help but worry about the environment with all of the unusual weather over the last few years.
Sorry, my comments are getting way too long. :)
When I was young we always had satsumas at Christmas (this was in England). Now I'm not so sure if they weren't really clementines. In any case, as you say, they were our Christmas treat and whenever I see or tase them I think of Christmas!
I think you can get them in the US but they're not a Christmas tradition I think. I'll have a look in the supermarket next time I'm there because I can't recall seeing any there, but I might be wrong.
Hazel, I had no idea Clementine could be used as a name, it would be to me like calling someone Tangerine.:))
Valentine, great of you to stop by. To me you seem to know a lot about fashion.;)
I agree with you, the scent of citrus fruit is so very exotic and pleasant.
Holly, your comments are GREAT and never too long! I love reading them, so no worries.
We always get citrus fruits in winter; it has something to do with the time of the year where they grow. Let me know if you manage to hunt some clementines down.;) And yes, seeing flowers in November was very magical.
Tom, it is always fun when a taste or a smell can remind you of traditions from your childhood.
I never heard of satsumas, what a fun word. Let me know if you manage to find some down in Hawaii.:)
These are my favorites. I love them.
Hello abraham; I agree.;)
Thanks for stopping by.:)
Ooh! Now I think I need to take a trip to the grocery store at lunch today! Yum!
Mel, I am happy I made you think of a yummy healthy snack.:))
(I am writing this while I am consuming a yummy chocolate, a bit unhealthy snack.:P)
Well how about that.. I just bought some for the first time this year on Friday too. My son and I love them. He can eat three at a time. I used to have a cat who would mooch Clementine segments all the time. She didn't care about any other citrus fruit but when this time of year came about she was there for her fruit fix... and her egg nog fix.. and turkey. She LOVED the holidays! ;)
Hilary, what a coincidence! I have to admit; I can also eat three at a time, depending on the size.;))
I cannot believe your cat would like clementines! My cat only eats his dry pills, that is all he wants, even though I try to give him meat; his sniffs it and walks away. It must have been great with a pet that took part in Christmas celebration.:))
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