September 09, 2008

The end of days??

Some people believe that Apocalypse will take place tomorrow at 9:00 CET. Why? Well, this has to do with an experiment that will be performed at exactly that time in a large circular tunnel (27km) under the ground on the Swiss-French border. At the CERN. What exactly will happen in this tunnel, I can not precisely explain, as I am no nuclear physicist, only a biochemist. But as far as I understand, the tunnel functions as a particle accelator, also called "Large Hadron Collider". Tomorrow at 9 am (CET) it will be fired up and small nano particles will be accelated in the tunnel, to the speed of light to colide with eachother. Chances are, that small "black holes" will be formed. Anyone even slightly interested in astronomy, physics or science fiction knows what black holes are all about. They are places in space, usually left behind by collapsed stars, that have incredible gravitational pull and will consume anything that will come their way. Hence, if these are created tomorrow morning in the tunnel, this means the Earth will disappear. Well, I really do not believe this will happen (I think). But it made me consider one interesting philosophical question "What would you do, if you had only one day left to live?" How would you use it? Would it be enough to do what you needed to do? Have you lived your life to the full? Do you have any regrets? After considering this for a while, I decided that today I am off my diet, I will do only what makes me happy and I will make sure to tell my friends, family and other people close to me how much they mean to me. Just in case.


Diane said...

Oh, I think of this often (not the whole world ending, but of ME ending) and I am constantly reminded that I'm not living life the way I want to... in some ways I am, but definitely not in others. But sometimes, finding the motivation (or the energy) to change is difficult... so difficult. Sigh.

Zuzana said...

I know what you mean Diane, but little steps help.;) Change is the most difficult thing of all. If it is any consolation, I think we all look with critical eyes upon our lives and seek improvement and we all struggle from time to time. I know I do.:) And I truly hope the world is not ending by tomorrow as there is still so much I want (and need!) to do.;)

Hazel Designs said...

I heard about this! It will be interesting (albeit scary) to find out what happens.

And thanks for visiting my blog :)

Zuzana said...

And thank you for coming by mine.;) The world still stands as of today, but apparently the effect might not be seen until man years from now.