Even though I rejoice in this kind of weather, the nature around seems to appear somewhat tired, in lack of a better word. It lacks that youthful freshness and bounce, that I am so accustomed to see.
This is reflected all around me, even in my own garden. I feel my plants are somewhat gentle this summer, in respect to bloom.
Thus may patio displays multitude of green this season, but the flowering is sparse. It is lush and inviting, but the bloom is absent. Even my Jasmine and Honeysuckle that were bursting with abundant flowers just a year ago display only a flower here and there.
While I wait for the indigo blue of my Jackmanii clematis, which is covered with imminent buds, I decided to share with you that subtle and gentle bloom that adores my garden right now. This includes, among others, the beauty of Lavender, Jasmine, Honeysuckle, Niobe clematis, Roses and Tomatoes.

Despite the lack of insect life and bloom in my garden so far, I take consolation in the fact that the timid alpha cat of the neighbourhood, a.k.a Tiger, finds great solace on my patio. I have found him sound asleep underneath my spriraea bushes on many occasions. Taking naps in the afternoons, he seems to enjoy our hot summer just as much as I do.

What a beautiful way to start the day--your photos are always so beautiful--and today's are exceptional! Enjoy the weekend, my friend...stay cool!
so much beauty in your words and pics zuzana...it has been beastly hot and the humidity is already up here today...would not mind naping if i did not have to work...smiles.
Oh he looks very peaceful!
I love your new photo, showing your beautiful hair in all it's glory.
Thankyou for your comment over at my BLog, I was wondering the same thing- any suggestions? :D
You are such a nature lover! A visit to your blog is always full of imagery of your lovely garden and the passing of seasons.
Yes, summer makes one very tired. Luckily Bangalore is bit cooled off because of rains. The collection of flowers are beautiful.
Gorgeous mosaic! I too have seen fewer blooms this year, but it is simply because the bunnies and deer think they taste great.
Have a wonderful day, Zuzana!
Oh wow! Tiger is simply gorgeous! Have you ever noticed how cats always seem to find the best places to sleep? They really do! :)
We had an uncountable number of bees doing the pollination this spring but this summer has been another story. I rarely see a bee... one here and there on our coneflowers, but not nearly as abundant as last year.
I dislike summertime. The humidity is very hard on me and keeps me indoors except for the very early morning hours. Just time for an early morning walk and by 8AM the heat is unbearable. I await autumn with it's cool breezes and colors that make me swoon.
A good shot of the bumble bee.Thanks for droppin' by at my new place.Take care and have a nice weekend.
Zuzana, many people I know have been saying this about the bees and flowers: the lack of it. Maybe it is all due to the process of global warming and it's very sad. Today I was also reading in the papers how Moscow felt the highest of temp this summer. It was so bad that the roads started melting, I read.
Zuzana, just hope that everything becomes alright gradually.
Hope your weekend is splendid and lovely.
I like seeing the little fellow taking a wee nap. Sweet!
Joy and peace,
Enjoy the good weather while you still ahve it...
It is amazing how the same Sun roats us every day
Miz.Z. I have to agree with the word 'tired' for the garden at my house too. The ones I can get to to water everyday are okay, but the bushes and perennials are somewhat droopy. Enjoyed your previous post about relaxing after a work day. I don't work any more but I have the sit back and glass of sparkly. Blessings
I can just picture you out on your patio soaring in all that heat and the sun. Enjoy!
I've noticed that I haven't seen hardly any lightning bugs this summer and that fact makes me sad. There is something about them that is magical...so a little magic is missing without them.
I have been remiss. I visit your site for the beauty, but let the injury to my right eye and right middle finger stop me from commenting.
Your photographs and prose are lovely. Thanks for the effort and talent you display on your lovely blog, Roland
I hadn't really noticed but now that you mention it, I've haven't seen as many bees this summer either. I tend to avoid them as I'm allergic to bee stings. They seem to instinctively know this ad follow me around whenever I'm outside.
I got a new follower today and in checking her profile, discovered that she has a blog all about honeybees!
It hasn't been updated since this past December but it made for some interesting reading, I thought.
I tried to grow tomatoes this year. Everything was going perfect until that darn volcano decided to erupt >:-( and it ruined my tomato pot. It was starting to bloom, which was more upset. Yours, on the other hand, are beautiful, just as the other plants. I understand how they seem "thristy" with the lack of rain. Our summer here in Guatemala never brings rain, and it's dry and very hot, making nature go tired. That's why the beginning of the rainy season (when a volcano does not decide to erupt that is! :-D ) makes everything bloom nicely, as if nature needed a drink of fresh water. I guess I'll try my "tomato experiment" next summer :-)
I love Tiger's picture! Does Batcat get jelaous? Do they get along? I don't have cats - never had - so I was wondering.
Have a great weekend!
Zuzana: I see your point, very heartfelt. Seems that nature is holding back a bit. But I loved seeing Tiger enjoying a Siesta! lol! :)
Love the gentle blooms - the color is beautiful anyway! So sad about the lack of bees--I also love their hummm--I have to wonder about the birds--do you have many birds in your garden and how did they fare the artic winter? Have a wonderful weekend! V.
We've had flowers appear in our garden which were never there before; we think they lay dormant until all the rain in May, all the sunshine in June and all the rain in July hit the spot nicely and out they bloomed! It's still quite dull here, interspersed with the odd bit of sunniness. I'm taking these kids to the park today come rain, drizzle or dreichtness. ;O) Gorgeous photos; can I curl up in that spot too?
Your garden is just beautiful Zuzana! It takes a lot of hard work to achieve this but you obviously have "green fingers".
I wonder do cats appreciate nice gardens? Tiger certainly seems to feel at home in yours.
Have a great rest of the weekend Zu.xx
The bumblebee shot is gorgeous. I always think they look so cute and furry!!
Zuzana.Nature Is Relaxing and Enjoying Itself!
Just so beautiful my friend. Your flowers, your summer, your words fill me summery feelings.
You always offer such beautiful post that offer a proof that life is tranquil and restful in the simplest of environments. There is such glorious color here! Quiet! Thank you! Cathy
Smart cat. Beauty, shade, and serenity make for the perfect napping spot. I am always nonplussed by the effect that seasonal extremes have on my emotions and imaginings.
The climate is definitely changing. It's getting hotter all over the world. Anyone who denies Global Warming exists has their head in the sand.
I’ve been following stories of how bee hives are becoming abandoned. These are not good signs.
I like your description that nature seems tired. We may be wearing her out.
On the positive side you do have a knack for capturing the vibrant colors that summer has to offer.
It's just too hot to bloom! LOL! You did get a great shot of that bee! And it looks like you'll have tomatoes soon, too! :)
Zuzana, my garden seems to suffer like yours. My Wave Petunias are shrinking and puny, my pansies are already leggy and going to seed. Even the hydrangea that I bought this year looks pretty rough. But today I saw my first sweet pea blossom and there are now 3 tomatoes coming along...time for some rain here-too hot!
I'm hoping we will change and grow and that is just a bit of an off year!
I'm changing and growing too-having a bit of an off year too. But making the best of it! Enjoy yourself! Sherry
Beautiful blooms, blissfully napping cats, blushing tomatoes, and busy bumblebees... oh my!
I love seeing summer through your eyes. You enjoy each and every aspect of it.. even when it holds back on you a bit.
Julie, Brian, Kath, sujata, Rajesh, Zuzu, Tony, Di, Mahmood, Susan, Sumandebray, QMM, Stevie, Roland, sprinkles, Claudia, Michael, V, Helen, Blogaire, Eternally…, tony, Sandy, Cathy, Richard, Scribe, Betsy, Sherry, Alesa and Hilary – I enjoyed reading your kind words and your own opinions and suggestions concerning the void of certain plant and insect life.;) It is somewhat distressing that we notice changes in our climate during our own lifetime.
As always, you kind visits and complimenting comments are greatly appreciated, thank you all.
Such a cute nap. And delightful captures Suzanna.
We only have two season around here. It's wet season and we badly need rain.
Beautiful photos, Zuzana, especially the one of the bumblebee. I love that the neighborhood cat found a happy spot in your garden.
The cat looks so cozy. Any garden can be enjoyed.
Glad you're having good weather, it's not bad here either, well, not bad for Ireland!
I'm your 200th follower!
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