June 14, 2010

Colourful Midnight.

I have learned a new word recently: skiving. Or to be a skiver (aka slacker). And that is exactly what I have been this weekend. A blog skiver. I simply could not get myself to do any writing (or visiting for that matter) at all. I had no ideas nor any profound thoughts were filling my mind and I spend my Sunday sorting out clothes and watching old movies.
Thus today my post is short and unsubstantial. And so boring, as I am again posting pictures of night sky that most of you are certainly fed up with by now.

But I simply can not help myself.
June is the time of our white nights and as we approach the summer solstice in about ten days, their culmination is imminent. I simply have to pause every single night, as I gaze towards the north west skies, that shimmer full of light above the city below. The midnight sun has arrived and will stay around for a couple more weeks.

While the white nights were somewhat absent last week, due to heavy clouds and fog, yesterday, as the cloud cover finally lifted, the sky revealed the night sky in all the magnificent colours of a fiery midnight sunset. And as you can see below, what a difference ten days can make.


Elizabeth said...

There is nothing boring about an everyday day.

Just enjoy yourself!!!!


Avo said...

Not bored of awesome shots yet; and Rainsunset is great! The colors are astounding!

There would be no point in blogging if it were unpleasant.
I for one, am pleased to see you posting in your time however much you want.

Nessa said...

Your skies are beautiful I like looking at them.

Kath said...

Personally I enjoy the day to day little goings-on of my friends. Far from boring, I find them endlessly interesting, just as a chat on the phone about nothing in particular. Sometimes it's nice to just "touch base" and chat :D

Elisabeth said...

There is nothing boring about these thoughts Zuzana and certainly not of the skyline at night. Thanks.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

So very lovely. I do so love sunrises and sunset...All are different and attest to the presence of a faithful God! Wishing you well!!! Cathy

Anonymous said...

You do take amazing pictures. Nobody can ever get fed up with these shots.
Glad you had a good Sunday. Except for the sorting of clothes...:)

Paul C said...

These lengthening days are dramatic and I like being introduced to new words.

Julie Hibbard said...

NEVER fed up with that gorgeous sky...or you!!! I wouldn't mind a blog about clothes sorting from you! ...you seem to have spectacular wardrobe!
Sounds like you had a relaxing weekend...good for you!!
Enjoy Monday!

Sukanya said...

OMG Zuzana. Wonderful pics. Really beautiful :) Keep treating us with more amazing pics like this. Like your other friends have already mentioned, we will never be fed up with ur sky clicks :)

Have a great week Zuzana.


Keith said...

Those are stunning photos. So incredibly beautiful. I hope you will have a fantastic week.


being surrounded by such breathtaking natural beauty i cannot imagine not sitting and just soaking it up day and night, literally! i, too, have been at a loss for words of late - words and thoughts - and lack of want to do anything more than just to "be" - and i think that not a bad thing at all, zuzana - actually, it can be the most difficult of things - to just "be" - and a major accomplishment when done! so take your time just "be-ing" - and have a glorious week!

Brian Miller said...

your pics are as beautiful as ever...what a night...i was a bit of a skiver myself the last 2 days...playing a little catch up now...hope you have a wonderful week!

swenglishexpat said...

The sky is ever fascinating. Just keep posting!

Claus said...

Sometimes, one is simply not in the mood to write. There is no inspiration, no energy, no will, for various reasons, and it is good not to stress out about it. You were missed, but I am definitely sure everybody understands what your reasons are. We have all been there!

Beautiful and always impressive event that one of the June nights in Denmark. As I was reading, I was surprised it is that time of year again for them to happen...time is flying by so quickly this year!, wouldn't you say?

Have a good week ahead!

Claus said...

Sometimes, one is simply not in the mood to write. There is no inspiration, no energy, no will, for various reasons, and it is good not to stress out about it. You were missed, but I am definitely sure everybody understands what your reasons are. We have all been there!

Beautiful and always impressive event that one of the June nights in Denmark. As I was reading, I was surprised it is that time of year again for them to happen...time is flying by so quickly this year!, wouldn't you say?

Have a good week ahead!

SandyCarlson said...

Those skies are gorgeous. We all need a rest!

Alberto Hugo Rojas said...

THANK YOU. Sil is a very special woman. she loves hummingbirds, and writes beautiful poems in my blog has links to his world of letters and photos. thanks for your visits ... Happy week.

I like night photos and sunsets
beautiful photos. follows inspirandote and writing.

Hilary said...

Never boring.. always wonderful. I imagine it will be more beautiful still in ten days.

Sniffles and Smiles said...

You could post photos of your night sky everyday, and I would not grow tired of them!! Your photography is ALWAYS extraordinary! And I love hearing about your everyday! Hope you have a wonderful week! Love, Janine XO

Titane333 said...

This photo is so magic Zuzana.

PS : what kind of police do you have used to write on th photo ? For answer, I have an email adress on my blog.


sprinkles said...

I guess I was a blog skiver too this past weekend. I was gone most of Saturday and it took me most of Sunday to try and catch up.

It's good to take a break sometimes. It keeps things fresh, I think.

Your blog could never be boring!

Wow, that difference in those photos is AMAZING!!! Especially for only 13 days!

Rajesh said...

The night skies in your place are certainly beautiful and mesmerizing.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love your night sky images...
best possible photo shots.

Anonymous said...

Zuzana, if this is what you call boring then I can't wait to see what interesting will be like! It'll blow my mind beyond all chances of recovery! :P

Fabulous imagery as always. Thank you. :)

Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

We never tire of seeing them either. Glad you take the time to enjoy them and then to share them.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I do love the long white nights of Sweden. I'm not actually a Scandinavian myself, but a Brit who has lived in Sweden for the past 13 years and who likes observing Swedish traditions.

Glennis said...

Awesome photos taken at midnight, you really do live in the land of the midnight sun!

Zuzana said...

Elizabeth, Alesa, Nessa, Kath, Elisabeth, Cathy, Mr. Stupid, Paul, Julie, Sukanya, Keith, Gypsywoman, Brian, swenglishexpat, Claudia, Sandy, Alberto, Hilary, Janine, Christiane, sprinkles, Rajesh, Jingle, Tony, Rosezilla, ladyfi (welcome) and Glennis (welcome), thank you dear friends for your kind words on a very unsubstantial post.;) I am so happy you still enjoy the views of my evening skies.

I will post a fresh set of new images on the longest day, which is approaching fast, taking place within days. Thus I hope you will bear with me a bit longer.;)

Your visits and precious comments always make me smile, thank you for your time.
