November 11, 2008

At the Foothills of the Tatras.

Sometimes I truly do not know where I belong. I have my childhood memories anchored to one place, my teens to another. My adult life I have spent moving between places as well. Nowhere did I stay long enough to feel as if I belonged there.
I was born at the foothills of the High Tatra mountains, in the city of Poprad, for many a completely unknown place, where I spend the first 6 years of my life. I remember the mountains clearly, as we could watch them from the kitchen window of our apartment. The sun would always set over the ridges of these beautiful natural formations, making me, already at a very young age, aware of how amazing the beauty of nature is.


Diane said...

Wow. Those are mountains! It reminds me of my first visit to Seattle, when I was 23. It rained or was overcast the whole time I was there, so I never got to see the mountains. When I was leaving, though, the plane cleared the cloud cover and there was Mt. Ranier, in all its glory. It literally sucked the breath right out of me!

Zuzana said...

Yes, nature is beautiful and unpredictable, for better or worse. I bet it waited to show of the mountains in order to impress you.;)

Melanie Gillispie said...

Beautiful! I've only ever seen the Appalachians close up and while they look pretty magnificent to me, seeing these makes me realize they're hardly more than some big rolling hills!

Holly said...

Those look soo much like the Wasatch Mountain range in Utah where I grew up. Grand and breathtaking. I'm homesick,...aaarrggh! :)

Hilary said...

Beautiful site to see each day. No wonder it was memorable even for a young child.

Perhaps there's still a place in your future where you'll feel like you've come home. Sometimes an event will trigger something in us, and we begin to sprout roots. But I have no doubt that one way or the other, you'll come to know where you belong.

Zuzana said...

Mel, I have been to the Appalachians as well, they are very beautiful. Especially in the autumn with all the colors.

Holly, you are from Utah, that is a beautiful state! I have been to Salt Lake City and drove across the state on my way to California. Sorry this made you miss your home; but I hope in a good way.;)

Hilary, thank you for your kind words. You always seem to understand the deeper layers in me. I so enjoy your comments, every time.